owners manual Nissan Qashqai
owners manual Nissan Qashqai - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Qashqai II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Qashqai, year of production 2013:
16. [Low Tyre Pressure] warning18. [Oil Level Low] warning21. [4WD tyre size incorrect] warning
This warning ([Low Tyre Pressure] and a vehicleThis warning appears in message area of the ve-This warning may appear if there is a large differ-
icon - where fitted) appears when the low tyre pres-hicle information display if the oil level is not suffi-ence between the diameters of the front and rear
sure warning light in the meter illuminates and lowcient for driving. Park the vehicle at a safe locationwheels and tyres. Pull off the road in a safe area,
tyrepressureisdetected.Thewarningappearseachas soon as possible and use the dipstick to checkwith the engine idling. Check that all the tyre sizes
time the ignition switch is placed in the ON positionthe oil level. See “Engine oil” in the “8. Maintenanceare the same, that tyre pressures are correct and
as long as the low tyre pressure warning light re-and do-it-yourself” section If the oil level is not suf-that the tyres are not excessively worn.
mains illuminated. If this warning appears, stop theficient for driving, top up the engine oil with the rec-22. [Shipping mode on push storage
vehicleandadjustthepressuretotherecommendedommended engine oil. “Engine oil” in the “8. Main-fuse] warning
COLD tyre pressure shown on the tyre placard.tenance and do-it-yourself” section.)
(See“Lowtyrepressurewarninglight(wherefitted)”CAUTIONThis warning may appear if the extended storage
earlier in this section and “Tyre Pressure Monitoringfuse switch is not pushed in (switched on). When
System(TPMS)”inthe“5.Startinganddriving”sec-The oil level should be checked regularly usingthis warning appears, push in (switch on) the ex-
tion.) the engine oil dipstick. Operating with an insuffi-tended storage fuse switch to turn off the warning.
17. [Low oil pressure stop vehicle]cient amount of oil can damage the engine andFor more information, see “Fuses” in the “8. Main-
warning such damage is not covered by the warranty.tenance and do-it-yourself” section.
This warning appears in message area of the ve-19. [4WD System Fault] warning23. [Power will turn off to save the
hicle information display if low oil pressure is de-This warning appears when the four wheel drivebattery] warning
tected. This gauge is not designed to indicate low(4WD) system is not functioning properly while theThis warning appears after a period of time if the
oil level. The low oil pressure warning is not de-engine is running.shift lever has not moved from the P (Park) position
signed to indicate a low oil level. Use the dipstick to20. [4WD high temp. stop vehicle]while the ignition is in the ON position for a certain
check the oil level. See “Engine oil” in the “8. Main-warningperiod of time.
tenance and do-it-yourself” section.) 24. [Power turned off to save the
CAUTION This warning may appear while trying to free a stuck
vehicle due to increased oil temperature. The driv-battery] warning
The oil level should be checked regularly usinging mode may change to Two-Wheel Drive (2WD).This warning appears after the ignition switch is au-
the engine oil dipstick. Operating with an insuffi-If this warning is displayed, stop the vehicle with thetomatically turned OFF to save the battery.
cient amount of oil can damage the engine andengine idling, as soon as it is safe to do so. Then if
such damage is not covered by the warranty.the warning turns off, you can continue driving.
2-24 Instruments and controls
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