owners manual Hyundai Tucson
owners manual Hyundai Tucson - year of production: 2015 - Hyundai Tucson III 3 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Hyundai Tucson, year of production 2015:
• To help provide protection, the air
During a frontal collision, sensors will• Air bag deployment depends on a
number of factors including vehiclebags must inflate rapidly.The speed
detect the vehicle’s deceleration. If
of air bag inflation is a consequence
the deceleration rate (measured in g-speed, angles of impact and the
force) is high enough the control unitdensity and stiffness of the vehiclesof extremely short time in which to
inflate the air bag between the
will inflate the front air bags.or objects which your vehicle 2
occupant and the vehicle structures
impacts during a collision. The
The front air bags help protect the
before the occupant impacts those
determining factors are not limited
driver and front passenger by
ety system of y
to those mentioned above. structures. This speed of inflation
responding to frontal impacts in
reduces the risk of serious or life-
• The front air bags will completely
which seat belts alone cannot pro- threatening injuries and is thus a
vide adequate restraint.When need-inflate and deflate in an instant. It isnecessary part of air bag design.
virtually impossible for you to see
ed, the side air bags help provide
However, the rapid air bag inflation
the air bags inflate during an acci-
protection in the event of a side
impact or rollover. dent. It is much more likely that youcan also cause injuries which can
our v
will simply see the deflated air bagsinclude facial abrasions, bruises
• Air bags are activated (able to and broken bones because the
hanging out of their storage com-
inflate if necessary) only when the
ignition switch is in the ON position.partments after the collision.inflation speed also causes the air
bags to expand with a great deal of
• In addition to inflating in certain
• Air bags inflate in the event of cer- force.
tain frontal or side collisions to helpside collisions, vehicles equipped
• There are even circumstances
protect the occupants from seriouswith a rollover sensor, side and
under which contact with the air
physical injury. curtain air bags will inflate if the
sensing system detects a rollover.bag can cause fatal injuries, espe-
• There is no single speed at which cially if the occupant is positioned
When a rollover is detected, side
the air bags will inflate. Generally, excessively close to the air bag.
and curtain air bags will remain
air bags are designed to inflate
inflated longer to help provide pro-
based upon the severity of a colli-
tection from ejection, especially
sion and its direction.These two
factors determine whether the sen-when used in conjunction with the
seat belts.
sors produce an electronic deploy-
ment/inflation signal.
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year of production from: 2015
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Hyundai Tucson III 3 owners manual
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