owners manual Tesla X
owners manual Tesla X - year of production: 2015 - Tesla X owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Tesla X, year of production 2015:
Auto Lane Change
If Model X is equipped with Driver AssistanceOperating Auto Lane Change
components (see About Driver Assistance on
page 72), and you have purchased theBefore you can operate Auto Lane Change,
optional Autopilot Tech Package, you can useyou must enable it by touching Controls >
Auto Lane Change to move Model X into anSettings > Driver Assistance > Auto Lane
adjacent lane. When both Traic-AwareChange > On.
Cruise Control and Autosteer are active, AutoNote: Before you can turn on Auto Lane
Lane Change intelligently assists you inChange, you must turn on Autosteer (see
steering Model X into an adjacent driving lane.Autosteer on page 80). Without Autosteer,
Using the forward looking camera, the radarAuto Lane Change can not operate.
sensor, and the ultrasonic sensors, Autosteer
detects lane markings and the presence ofNote: Your chosen setting is retained until you
other vehicles. manually change it. It is also saved in your
Auto Lane Change is designed for use ondriver proile.
highways and main roads with visible laneTo change lanes using Auto Lane Change:
markings and under relatively predictable•Perform visual checks to make sure it is
circumstances in which minimal steering andsafe and appropriate to move into the
driver intervention is needed. target lane.
Warning: It is the driver's responsibility to•Engage the turn signal and initiate the
determine whether a lane change is safelane change by having your hands on the
and appropriate. Auto Lane Change cansteering wheel.
not detect oncoming traic in the targetAuto Lane Change assists in moving Model X
lane, especially fast moving vehicles frominto the adjacent lane in the direction
the rear. Therefore, before initiating a laneindicated by the turn signal, provided the
change, always check blind spots, lanefollowing conditions are met:
markings, and the surrounding roadway
to conirm it is safe and appropriate to•Auto Lane Change detected your hands
move into the target lane. on the steering wheel.
Warning: Never depend on Auto Lane•The Auto Lane Change setting is turned
Change to determine an appropriateon.
driving path. Drive attentively by•The turn signal is engaged.
watching the road and traic ahead of•Autosteer is actively steering Model X.
you and monitoring the instrument panel•The ultrasonic sensors detect no vehicle
for warnings. Always be prepared to takeor obstacles up to the center of the target
immediate action. lane.
Warning: Do not use Auto Lane Change•The camera's view is not obstructed.
on city streets or on roads where traic•Lane Assist does not detect a vehicle in
conditions are constantly changing andthe blind spot (see Lane Assist on page
where bicycles and pedestrians are86).
present. • Midway through the lane change, Auto
Warning: The performance of Auto LaneLane Change can detect the outside lane
Change depends on the forward lookingmarking of the target lane.
camera's ability to recognize lane•Driving speed is at least 50 km/h in
markings. situations where a vehicle is not detected
Warning: Do not use Auto Lane Changein front of Model X. If following a vehicle
on winding roads with sharp curves, onahead, Auto Lane Change works at any
icy or slippery roads, or when weatherspeed.
conditions (such as heavy rain, snow, fog,As the lane change is in progress, Overtake
etc.) may be obstructing the view fromAcceleration is activated, allowing Model X to
the camera or sensors. accelerate closer to a vehicle in front (see
Overtake Acceleration on page 77). Midway
through the lane change, Auto Lane Change
must be able to detect the target lane's
outside lane marking. If this lane marking can
not be detected, both Auto Lane Change and
Autosteer will cancel.
82 Model X Owner's Manual

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