owners manual Subaru Outback
owners manual Subaru Outback - year of production: 2014 - Subaru Outback Legacy V 5 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Subaru Outback, year of production 2014:
Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/*SRS airbag (Supplemental Restraint System airbag)1-55
nated while the OFF indicator turns offfront passenger’sSRSfrontalairbagherlegsoutforward,andadjusttheseatto
despite the fact that the actions noteddespite the fact that the seat isthe rearmost position.
above have been taken, seat the child/occupied by an adult. This may3. Turn the ignition switch to the “ON”
small adult in the rear seat and im-result in personal injury.position.
mediately contact your SUBARU dealer. Do not allow the rear seat occu-
for an inspection. Even if the systempant to lift the front passenger’sIf the OFF indicator remains illuminated
has passed the dealer inspection, it isseat cushion using his/her feet.while the ON indicator remains off, take
recommendedthatonsubsequenttrips the following actions.
the child/small adult always take the. Donotplaceanyarticleunderthe1. Turn the ignition switch to the “LOCK”/
rear seat. front passenger’s seat, or“OFF” position.
squeeze any article from behind2. Ensure that there is no article, book,
Children who have outgrown a childand under the seat. This may lift
restraint system should always wear thethe seat cushion. shoe, or other object trapped under the
seatbelt irrespective of whether the airbag seat, at the rear of the seat, or on the side
is deactivated or activated. . Do not squeeze any article be-of the seat.
tween the front passenger’s seat3. Ensure that the backward-forward
! Conditions in which front passen-and side trim/pillar, door or cen-position and seatback of front passenger’s
ger’s SRSfrontalairbagisactivatedter console box. This may lift theseat are locked into place securely by
The front passenger’s SRS frontal airbagseat cushion. moving the seat back and forth. (Models
will be activated for deployment upon equipped with manual seats only)
impact when any of the following condi-!If the passenger’s frontal airbag4. Turn the ignition switch to the “ON”
tions is met regarding the front passen-OFF indicator illuminates andposition and wait 6 seconds to allow the
ger’s seat. the ON indicator turns off evensystem to complete self-checking. Follow-
. Whentheseatisoccupied by an adult.when the front passenger’s seating the system check, both indicators turn
. When a heavy article is placed on theis occupied by an adultoff for 2 seconds. Now, the ON indicator
seat. This can be caused by the adult incor-should illuminate while the OFF indicator
rectly sitting in the front passenger’s seat.remains off.
CAUTION 1. Turn the ignition switch to the “LOCK”/
Ifthe OFF indicator still remains illumi-
When the front passenger’s seat is“OFF” position. nated while the ON indicator remains off,
occupied by an adult, observe the2. Ask the front passenger to set theask the occupant to move to the rear seat
following precautions. Failure to doseatback to the upright position, sit upand immediately contact your SUBARU
so may lessen the load on the frontstraight in the center of the seat cushion,dealer for an inspection.
passenger’s seat, deactivating thecorrectly fasten the seatbelt, position his/
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year of production from: 2014
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