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owners manual Mitsubishi ASX

owners manual Mitsubishi ASX - year of production: 2010 - Mitsubishi ASX RVR owners manual EN

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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Mitsubishi ASX, year of production 2010:
Seat and seat belts Seat belt inspection Supplemental restraint system WARNING E00406300475 (SRS) - airbag ChОck thО bОlts Пor cuts, аorn or ПraвОН аОb- For some types of child restraint, the lock- l l E00407201944 bing anН Пor crackОН or НОПormОН mОtallic ing clip (A) should be used to help avoid ThО inПormation Пor SRS airbags incluНОs impor- parts. RОplacО thО bОlt assОmblв iП it is НОПОc- personal injury during a collision or sud- tant inПormation concОrning thО НrivОr’s anН Пront tivО. den manoeuvre. passОngОr’s airbags, thО НrivОr’s knОО airbag, thО A Нirtв bОlt shoulН bО clОanОН аith nОutral НО- It must be fitted and used in accordance l siНО airbags anН thО curtain airbags. tОrgОnt in аarm аatОr. AПtОr rinsing in аatОr, with the child restraint manufacturer’s in- ThО SRS airbags arО НОsignОН to supplОmОnt thО pri- lОt it Нrв in thО shaНО. Do not attОmpt to structions. marв protОction oП thО НrivОr anН Пront passОngОr blОach or rО-НвО thО bОlts bОcausО this аill aП- The locking clip must be removed when siНО sОat bОlt sвstОms bв proviНing thosО occupants ПОct thОir charactОristics. the child restraint is removed. аith protОction against hОaН anН chОst injuriОs in cОrtain moНОratО-to-sОvОrО Пrontal collisions. 2 WARNING ThО SRS НrivОr’s knОО airbag (iП so ОquippОН) is НО- signОН to supplОmОnt thО primarв protОction oП thО We recommend you to have all seat belt l НrivОr’s sОat bОlt sвstОm. It can rОНucО thО ПorаarН assemblies including retractors and at- movОmОnt oП thО НrivОr’s loаОr lОgs anН proviНО in- taching hardware inspected after any col- crОasОН ovОrall boНв protОction in cОrtain moНОratО- lision. We recommend that seat belt as- to-sОvОrО Пrontal collisions. semblies in use during a collision be re- placed unless the collision was minor and ThО SRS siНО airbags (iП so ОquippОН) arО НОsignОН the belts show no damage and continue to to supplОmОnt propОrlв аorn sОat bОlts anН proviНО operate properly. thО НrivОr anН Пront passОngОr аith protОction Do not attempt to repair or replace any l against chОst anН abНomОn injuriОs in cОrtain moН- part of the seat belt assemblies; we recom- ОratО-to-sОvОrО siНО impact collisions. mend you to have this work done by a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Authorized ThО SRS curtain airbags (iП so ОquippОН) arО НО- Service Point. Incorrect repair or replace- signОН to supplОmОnt propОrlв аorn sОat bОlts anН ment could reduce the effectiveness of the proviНО thО НrivОr anН passОngОr аith protОction belts and could result in serious injury in against hОaН injuriОs in cОrtain moНОratО-to-sОvОrО the event of a collision. siНО impact collisions. Once the pretensioner has been activated, l it cannot be re-used. ThО SRS is NOT a substitutО Пor thО sОat bОlts. To It must be replaced together with the re- ОnsurО thО maбimum protОction Нuring all tвpОs oП tractor. collisions anН acciНОnts, all occupants, incluНing thО passОngОrs as аОll as thО НrivОr, must аОar thОir sОat bОlts. 2-24
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year of production from: 2010

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