owners manual Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV
owners manual Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV - year of production: 2012 - Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV III 3 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV, year of production 2012:
B00203201E3.book 3 ページ 㸰㸮㸯㸱年㸯㸯月㸯9日 火曜日 午前㸯㸯時5㸮分
Front seats
zIt is illegal to ride in the luggage area of azThe reclining mechanism of the front seat’s E00400401266
vehicle. Also, the luggage area and rear seatback is spring loaded, causing it to return
seats should never be used as a play area to the vertical position when the lock lever isManual type
by children. In a collision, people riding operated. When using the lever, sit close to
unrestrained in these areas are more likely the seatback or hold it with your hand to con-
to be seriously injured or killed. trol its return motion.
Do not allow people or children to ride in zWhen sliding the seats, be careful not to 5
any area of your vehicle that is not catch your hand or foot.
equipped with seats and seat belts, andzWhen sliding or reclining the seat rearward,
make sure that everyone travelling in your pay careful attention to the rear seat passen-
vehicle is in a seat and wearing a seat belt, gers.
or in the case of a young child is strapped zWhen adjusting the front seat while the rear
in a child restraint. seat is folded, be careful not to apply strong
zTo minimize the risk of personal injury in force to the flipped rear seat cushion.
the event of a collision or sudden braking, Doing so could cause damage to the cover of
the seatbacks should always be in the the front seat and the fitting of the rear seat
almost upright position while the vehicle is cushion. 1- To adjust forward or backward
in motion. The protection provided by the Lift the handle and adjust the seat to
seat belts may be reduced significantly the desired position, and release the
when the seatback is reclined. There is handle.
greater risk that the passenger will slide 2- To recline the seatback
under the seat belt, resulting in serious Pull the lever up and then lean back-
injury, when the seatback is reclined. ward to the desired position, and
release the lever.
CAUTION 3- To adjust seat height (driver’s side
zMake sure the seat is adjusted by an adult or only)
with adult supervision for correct and safe Repeatedly operate the lever and adjust
operation. the seat height to the desired position.
zDo not place a cushion or the like between
your back and the seatback while driving.
The effectiveness of the head restraints will
be reduced in the event of an accident.
Seat and seat belts 5-3
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year of production from: 2012
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Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV III 3 owners manual
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