owners manual BMW X1 E84
owners manual BMW X1 E84 - year of production: 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 - BMW X1 E84 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle BMW X1 E84, year of production 2009 - 2016:
Seite 81
Lamps Controls
Headlamp courtesy delay feature Daytime running lights
The low beams stay lit for a short while after theThe daytime running lights light up in posiѪ
ignition is switched off, if the lamps are switchedtion 0, and . After the ignition is
off and the headlamp flasher is switched on.switched off, the parking lamps light up in posiѪ
tion .
Setting the duration
1. "Settings"
1. "Settings"
2. "Lighting"
2. "Lighting"
3. "Pathway light.: s"
3. "Daytime running lamps"
4. Set the duration.
The setting is stored for the remote control curѪ
The setting is stored for the remote control curѪ
rently in use.
rently in use.
Automatic headlamp control
Adaptive light control
Switch position : the low beams are switched
on and off automatically, e.g., in tunnels, in twiѪ
The concept
light or if there is precipitation. The LED next to
Adaptive light control is a variable headlamp
the symbol lights up.
control system that enables dynamic illuminaѪ
A blue sky with the sun low on the horizon can
tion of the road surface.
cause the lights to be switched on.
Depending on the steering angle and other paѪ
The low beams remain switched on independѪ
rameters, the light from the headlamp follows
ent of the ambient lighting conditions when you
the course of the road.
switch on the front fog lamps.
In sharp curves, e.g. serpentines, or during turnѪ
Personal responsibility
ing, up to a certain speed one of the two front
The automatic headlamp control cannot
fog lamps is switched on as a turning lamp. This
serve as a substitute for your personal judgment
provides improved illumination of the area inside
in determining when the lamps should be
the curve.
switched on in response to ambient lighting
For example, the sensors are unable to detect
fog or hazy weather. To avoid safety risks, youActivating
should always switch on the lamps manually unѪ
Switch position with the ignition switched
der these conditions.◀
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 914 595 - VI/12
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year of production from: 2009
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manual BMW X1 E84 BMW X1 E84 owners manual
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