owners manual Seat Mii
owners manual Seat Mii - year of production: 2012 - Seat Mii owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Seat Mii, year of production 2012:
Securing the base supports and roofcles, skis, surf boards or boats on the roof.
● Avoid brusque manoeuvres and sudden
The suitable accessories can be acquired at
braking. carrier system
SEAT dealerships.
● Adjust your speed and driving style to visi-
bility, road, traffic and weather conditions.
Securing the base supports and roof carrier
The roof carrier system must always be instal-
● Always remove the roof carrier system from
led exactly according to the instructions pro-
the roof before entering a car wash.
● The height of your vehicle is changed by
Two-door vehicles: the holes and marks indi-
the installation of the roof carrier and the
cating the fitting points for base front sup-
load secured on it. Compare the vehicle
ports are in the lower half of the roof struts
height with the passage height, for example
in underground car parks or for garage doors. ››› Fig. 74 (enlarged left image). The holes
Fig. 74 Attachment points for the basic sup-
and marks are only seen with the door open.
● The roof antenna and the range of the rear
ports and the roof carrier system in two-door
The fitting marks for base rear supports are in
lid should not be affected by the roof carrier
the upper half of the windows ››› Fig. 74 (en-
system or the load being transported.
larged right image).
● Take extra care not to let the hatch strike
the roof load when opening.
Four-door vehicles: the holes or marks indi-
cating the fitting points for base supports are
in the lower half of the roof struts and can on-
For the sake of the environment
ly be seen with the door open ››› Fig. 75.
The vehicle uses more fuel when the roof car-
rier system is fitted. The base support should only be fitted to the
points indicated in the diagram.
If the base supports and the roof carrier sys-
Fig. 75 Attachment points for the basic sup-
tem are incorrectly fitted or used in an unsuit-
ports and the roof carrier system in four-door
able manner, the entire system could break
free causing accident and injury.
● Always take the manufacturer assembly in-
The mounts are the basis of a complete roof
structions into account.
carrier system. Special fixtures must be add-
ed in order to safely transport luggage, bicy-
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year of production from: 2012
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Seat Mii owners manual
pages 77 - 83
Seat Mii owners manual
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