owners manual Suzuki SX4 S-Cross
owners manual Suzuki SX4 S-Cross - year of production: 2013 - Suzuki SX4 S Cross owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Suzuki SX4 S-Cross, year of production 2013:
controller could be damaged. If it does,
.A WARNING .A WARNING have the air bag system inspected by the
• The driver should not lean over the (Continued) SUZUKI dealer as soon as possible.
steering wheel. The front passen-• Do not paint, put a sticker on, or Special procedures are required for servic-
ger should not rest his or her body attach things like accessories to ing or replacing an air bag. For that rea-
against the dashboard, or other-the dashboard below the steering son, only an authorized SUZUKI dealer
wheel. Failure should be allowed to service or replace
wise get too close to the dash- to observe this pre-your air bags. Please remind anyone who
board. For vehicles with side air caution may prevent normal infla-services your SUZUKI that it has air bags.
bags and side curtain air bag, tion of the driver's knee air bag in
occupants should not lean on or the event of a collision. Service on or around air bag components
sleep against the door. In these sit- or wiring must be performed only by an
uations, the out-of-position occu- vehicle may be
pant would be too close to an Note that even though your authorized SUZUKI dealer. Improper ser-
inflating air bag, and may suffer moderately damaged in a collision, the col-vice could result in unintended air bag
severe injury. lision may not have been severe enough to deployment or could render the air bag
• Do not attach any objects to, or trigger the front, side, or side curtain air inoperative. Either of these two conditions
place any objects over, the steering bags to inflate. If your vehicle sustains may result in severe injury.
wheel or dashboard. Do not place ANY front-end or side damage, have the To prevent damage or unintended inflation
any objects between the air bag bag system inspected by an authorized of the air bag system, be sure the battery
and SUZUKI dealer to ensure it is in proper is disconnected and the ignition switch has
the driver or front passenger. working order. been in the "LOCK" position or the ignition
These objects may interfere with air Your vehicle is equipped with a diagnostic
bag operation or may be propelled mode has been "LOCK" (OFF) for at least
by the air bag in the event of a module which records information about 90 seconds before performing any electri-
crash. Either the air bag system if the air bags deploy in cal service work on your SUZUKI. Do not
of these conditions
a crash. The module records information touch air
may cause severe injury. about overall system status, which sensors bag system components or wires.
• For vehicles with side air bags, do activated the deployment. The wires are wrapped with yellow tape or
not place seat covers on the front yellow tubing, and the couplers are yellow
seats, because seat covers could Servicing the air bag system for easy identification.
restrict the air bag's inflation. Also, If the air bags inflate, have the air bags Scrapping a vehicle that has an uninflated
do not place any cup holders on the and related components replaced by an air bag can be hazardous. Ask your dealer,
door, as the cup holder could be authorized SUZUKI dealer as soon as pos-body repair shop or scrap yard for help
by the air bag in the event sible. with disposal.
of a crash. Either of these condi-
tions may cause severe injury. If
(Continued) your vehicle ever gets in deep water and
the driver's
floor is submerged, the air bag

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year of production from: 2013

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instrukcja obsługi Suzuki SX4 S Cross Suzuki SX4 S Cross owners manual
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