owners manual Mercedes W140
owners manual Mercedes W140 - year of production: 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 - Mercedes Benz S W140 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes W140, year of production 1991 - 1998:
Fuel Reserve Warning LampWarning! Warning!
Withthe keyin steering lock positionTheoutside temperature indicator• Driving when your engine is badly
2, the fuel reserve warning lamps comeis not designed to serve as an Ice-overheated can cause some fluids
onandshould go out when the engineWarningDeviceandisthereforewhich may have leaked into the
is running. unsuitable for that purpose.engine compartment to catch fire.
Indicated temperatures just aboveYoucouldbeseriously burned.
If the warning lamps do not go outthe freezing point do not guaranteeTurnofftheengineandgetoutof
after starting the engine or if they comethat the road surface is free of ice.the car until it cools down.
on while driving, it indicates that the
fuel level is down to the reserveCoolant Temperature Gauge• Steamfromanoverheatedengine
quantity of approx. 3.3 gal (12.5 liters),cancauseserious burns and can
If the antifreeze mixture is effective tooccur just by opening the engine
- 30°C (- 22°F), the boiling point of thehood. Stay away fromthe engine if
Outside Temperature Indicatorcoolant in the pressurized coolingyouseeorhearsteamcoming
system of your vehicle is approx.fromit. Turn off the engine and do
Thetemperature sensor is located in130°C(266°F).not stand near the car until it
the front bumper area. Due to its cools down.
location, the sensor can be affected byDuring severe operating conditions and
road or engine heat during idling orstop-and-go city traffic, the coolant
slowdriving. This means that thetemperature may rise close to the red
accuracy of the displayed temperaturemarking.
can only be verified by comparison to a
thermometer placed next to the sensor,Theengine should not be operated with
not by comparison to external displaysthe coolant temperature in the red
(e.g. bank signs, etc.).zone.
Adaptation to ambient temperature
takes place in steps and depends on the
prevailing driving conditions (stop-
and-go or moderate, constant driving)
and amount of temperature change.
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year of production from: 1991
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