owners manual Tesla X
owners manual Tesla X - year of production: 2015 - Tesla X owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Tesla X, year of production 2015:
the front door whenever you are opening
or closing a falcon wing door.
Note: If Model X is locked, pulling the switchWarning: When opening or closing a
(illustrated above) the irst time unlocks thefalcon wing door, it is important to
associated door. Pulling it a second timeproactively monitor the movement of the
opens it. door to ensure that it does not come into
To close a falcon wing door, press the buttoncontact with a person or object. Failure to
located on the inside of the door. You can alsodo so can cause serious damage or injury
use the key (see Using the Key on page 4,A falcon wing door stops moving when one of
push the switch on the door pillar (illustratedits many sensors detects an object, or when
above), or touch Control > Doors > Close onthe door senses resistance because it has
the touchscreen: made contact with an object. In these cases,
provided it is appropriate to continue opening
or closing the falcon wing door, you can
override obstacle detection by doing any of
the following:
• Hold down the top button on the key
while double-clicking the key's falcon
wing door button (see Using the Key on
page 4).
• Pull (or push) and hold the switch located
on the door pillar.
• Open or close the door using the
Note: To prevent children from opening falconNote: Falcon wing doors open only when
wing doors using the interior switch, turn onModel X is stationary.
child-protection locks using the touchscreenCaution: Remove accumulation of snow
(Controls > Settings > Vehicle > Childor ice before opening a falcon wing door.
Protection Lock). See Child-protection LockSnow can get inside Model X and ice can
on page 9. prevent the door from opening.
Warning: Whenever a front door isCaution: In rainy weather, leaving a falcon
partially open (approximately 20°) as youwing open while opening the liftgate can
are opening or closing the associatedresult in rain water falling from the liftgate
falcon wing door, you MUST keep yourinto the rear seating area.
hands (or any object) away from the
opening edge of the front door. When aInterior Locking and Unlocking
falcon wing door passes by a partially
opened front door, the distance betweenFrom inside Model X, you can use the
the two doors is very narrow. Objects,touchscreen to lock or unlock doors and
such as hands or ingers, placed in thistrunks, provided a valid key is inside the
area, are not detected by sensors and canvehicle. Touch Controls > Lock/Unlock. You
therefore become pinched between thecan also shift into the Park gear, then touch
doors. To avoid bodily injury, it is a goodthe Park button on the end of the gear
practice to keep your hands away fromselector a second time (see Shifting Gears on
page 42).
8 Model X Owner's Manual
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