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owners manual Ford Ranger

owners manual Ford Ranger - year of production: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - Ford Ranger Mazda B Series owners manual EN

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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Ford Ranger, year of production 2001 - 2012:
Introduction Ford of Canada do not access event data recorder information without obtaining consent, unless pursuant to court order or where required by law enforcement, other government authorities or other third parties acting with lawful authority. Other parties may seek to access the information independently of Ford Motor Company and Ford of Canada. To the extent that any law pertaining to Event Data Recording applies to SYNC or its features, please note the following: Once 911 Assist (if equipped) is enabled (set ON), 911 Assist may, through any paired and connected cell phone, disclose to emergency services that the vehicle has been in a crash involving the deployment of an airbag or, in certain vehicles, the activation of the fuel pump shut-off. Certain versions or updates to 911 Assist may also be capable of electronically or verbally disclosing to 911 operators the vehicle location, and/or other details about the vehicle or crash to assist 911 operators to provide the most appropriate emergency services. If you do not want to disclose this information, do not activate the feature. See your SYNC supplement for more information. Additionally, when you connect to Traffic, Directions and Information (if equipped, U.S. only), the service uses GPS technology and advanced vehicle sensors to collect the vehicle’s current location, travel direction, and speed (“vehicle travel information”) only to help provide you with the directions, traffic reports, or business searches you request. If you do not want Ford or its vendors to receive this information, do not activate the service. Ford Motor Company and the vendors it uses to provide you with this information do not store your vehicle travel information. For more information, see Traffic, Directions and Information, Terms and Conditions. See your SYNC supplement for more information. CELL PHONE USE The use of Mobile Communications Equipment has become increasingly important in the conduct of business and personal affairs. However, drivers must not compromise their own or others’ safety when using such equipment. Mobile Communications can enhance personal safety and security when appropriately used, particularly in emergency situations. Safety must be paramount when using mobile communications equipment to avoid negating these benefits. Mobile Communication Equipment includes, but is not limited to cellular phones, pagers, portable email devices, in-vehicle communications systems, telematics devices and portable two-way radios. 8 2010 Ranger (ran) Owners Guide, 2nd Printing USA(fus)
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year of production from: 2001

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