owners manual Volvo V70 XC70
owners manual Volvo V70 XC70 - year of production: 2007 - Volvo V70 XC70 III owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Volvo V70 XC70, year of production 2007:
Important information
About this manual NOTE WARNING
• Before you operate your vehicle for the first• All information, illustrations and specifi-Certain components of this vehicle such as
time, please familiarize yourself with thecations contained in this manual areair bag modules, seat belt pretensioners,
information in chapter 3. based on the latest product informationadaptive steering columns, and button cell
• Information contained in the balance of theavailable at the time of publication.batteries may contain Perchlorate material.
manual is extremely useful and should be• Volvo reserves the right to make modelSpecial handling may apply for service or
read after operating the vehicle for the firstchanges at any time, or to change spec-vehicle end of life disposal.
time. ifications or design without notice andSee www.dtsc.ca.gov/hazardouswaste/
• The manual is structured so that it can bewithout incurring obligation.perchlorate.
used for reference. For this reason, it• Do not export your Volvo to another
should be kept in the vehicle for readycountry before investigating that coun-Points to keep in mind
access. try's applicable safety and emission
control requirements. In some cases it• The manual is structured so that it can be
Options and accessories may be difficult or impossible to complyused for reference. For this reason, it
Optional or accessory equipment described inwith these requirements. Modificationsshould be kept in the vehicle for ready
this manual is indicated by an asterisk.to the emission control system(s) mayaccess.
Optional or accessory equipment may not berender your Volvo not certifiable for• Do not export your Volvo to another coun-
available in all countries or markets. Pleaselegal operation in the U.S., Canada andtry before investigating that country's
note that some vehicles may be equipped dif-other countries.applicable safety and exhaust emission
ferently, depending on special legal require- requirements. In some cases it may be dif-
ments. ficult or impossible to comply with these
WARNING requirements. Modifications to the emis-
If your vehicle is involved in an accident,sion control system(s) may render your
unseen damage may affect its driveabilityVolvo not certifiable for legal operation in
and safety. the U.S., Canada and other countries.
• All information, illustrations and specifica-
tions contained in this manual are based on
the latest product information available at
the time of publication. Please note that
some vehicles may be equipped differ-
ently, depending on special legal require-
ments. Optional equipment described in
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year of production from: 2007
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Volvo V70 XC70 III owners manual
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