owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Nissan Sentra V 5 N16 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2000 - 2006:
WPD0113 WPD0114 WPD0115
Release the trunk lid Using the panic alarm Silencing the horn beep feature
PushtheTRUNKbuttononthekeyfobforlongerIf you are near your vehicle and feel threatened,If desired, the horn beep feature can be deacti-
than 0.5 second. The trunk release button on theyou may activate the panic alarm to call attentionvated using the keyfob.
keyfobwillnotoperatewhentheignitionswitchisbypushingandholdingthePANICbuttonontheTo deactivate: Press and hold the LOCK and
in the ON position. keyfob for longer than 0.8 second.UNLOCKbuttonsforatleast 3 seconds.
The trunk lid opens. Thepanicalarmandheadlightswillstayonfor25Thehazardlights will flash three times to confirm
seconds. that the horn beep feature has been deactivated.
Thetrunklidwillnotopenwiththetrunklid To activate: Press and hold the LOCK and UN-
release cancel switch turned to OFF. It canThe panic alarm stops when:LOCKbuttonsforatleast3secondsoncemore.
be opened only with the key. See “Trunk● it has run for 25 seconds, or
lid” later in this section for cancel switch Thehazardlightswill flash once and the horn will
information. ● the LOCK, UNLOCK, or the PANIC button issoundoncetoconfirmthatthehornbeepfeature
pushed on the keyfob. has been reactivated.
Deactivating the horn beep feature does not si-
lence the horn if the alarm is triggered.
Pre-driving checks and adjustments 3-7
ZREVIEWCOPY:—2003Sentra (b15)
Owners Manual (owners) —USA English (nna)

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year of production from: 2000

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