owners manual Dacia Dokker
owners manual Dacia Dokker - year of production: 2012 - Dacia Dokker owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Dacia Dokker, year of production 2012:
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Starting the engine LPG versions Special note
In very cold conditions (temperatures The engine is always started usingDepending on the vehicle, accessories
below –20°C): so that it is easier to petrol: (e.g. radio) stop working either when
start the engine, switch on the ignition the engine is switched off or when the
for several seconds before starting the – activate the starter without accelera- doors are locked, or when the driver’s
engine. ting; door is opened.
When starting the engine, if the outdoor – release the key as soon as the
engine starts.
temperature is very low (below -10°C):
The system will automatically deter-
hold down the clutch pedal until the
engine starts. mine the switchover from petrol to LPG. Never leave your vehi-
When operating on LPG, the fuel gauge cle with the key or remote
Petrol injection control inside and never
may indicate a drop in the petrol level
– Activate the starter without depres- and the on-board computer will not leave a child (or a pet) un-
sing the accelerator. operate. supervised, even for a short while.
The reason for this is that the child
– Release the key as soon as the Every 3,000 miles driven using LPG,
may endanger himself or others by
engine starts. drivers are recommended to drive for
around 3 to 6 miles in petrol mode. starting the engine, activating equip-
Diesel injection ment such as the window winders
É for example, or locking the doors.
Turn the ignition key to ignition To enable the system to operate
“On” position M, and hold this position smoothly and to prevent any wear to Risk of serious injury.
the vehicle’s electric petrol pump, the
until the preheating warning light goes Never switch off the ignition
out. petrol tank should always be around
1/4 full. before the vehicle has stopped
Move the key to “Start” position D wi- completely. Once the engine has
thout accelerating. Release the key as stopped, the brake servo, power as-
soon as the engine starts. Stopping the engine sisted steering and passive safety
With the engine idling, turn the key equipment such as air bags will no
back to “Stop” position St. longer operate.
The steering is locked when the key
is removed.
ENG_NU_984-6_FK67_Dacia_2 Démarrage, Arrêt du moteur (X67 - X92 - Renault)
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Dacia Dokker owners manual
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Dacia Dokker owners manual
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