owners manual Nissan Titan
owners manual Nissan Titan - year of production: 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 - Nissan Titan I 1 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Titan, year of production 2003 - 2015:
● The supplemental air bag warning light re-after inflation has occurred. Repair and replace-
mains on after approximately 7 seconds.ment of these supplemental air bag systems
● The supplemental air bag warning lightshould be done only by a NISSAN dealer.
flashes intermittently. When maintenance work is required on the ve-
● Thesupplementalairbagwarninglightdoeshicle, the front air bags, side air bags, curtain and
not come on at all. rollover air bags, pretensioners and related parts
should be pointed out to the person performing
Undertheseconditions,thefrontair bag, side airthe maintenance. The ignition key should always
bag and curtain and rollover air bag or preten-beintheLOCKpositionwhenworkingunderthe
sioner systems may not operate properly. Theyhoodorinside the vehicle.
to the nearest NISSAN dealer. WARNING
LRS0100 WARNING ● Once a front air bag, side air bag or
SUPPLEMENTALAIRBAG If the supplemental air bag warning lightthe air bag module will not function
WARNINGLIGHT is on, it could mean that the front air bag,again and must be replaced. Addition-
side air bag, curtain and rollover air bagally, the activated pretensioners must
The supplemental air bag warning light,and/or pretensioner systems will not op-also be replaced. The air bag module
displayingin the instrument panel, moni-erate in an accident. To help avoid injuryand pretensioners should be replaced
tors the circuits for the air bag systems, preten-to yourself or others, have your vehiclebyaNISSANdealer.Theairbagmodule
sioners and all related wiring.checked by a NISSAN dealer as soon asandpretensioner cannot be repaired.
possible. ● The front air bag, side air bag, curtain
When the ignition key is in the ON or START and rollover air bag systems and the
position, the supplemental air bag warning lightRepair and replacement procedurepretensioner system should be in-
illuminates for about 7 seconds and then turnsThe front air bags, side air bags, curtain andspected by a NISSAN dealer if there is
off. This means the system is operational.rollover supplemental air bags and pretensionersany damage to the front end or side
If any of the following conditions occur, the frontare designed to inflate on a one-time-only basis.portion of the vehicle.
air bag, side air bag, curtain and rollover air bagAsareminder, unless it is damaged, the supple-
and pretensioner systems need servicing:mental air bag warning light remains illuminated
1-62 Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system
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year of production from: 2003
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Nissan Titan I 1 owners manual
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Nissan Titan I 1 owners manual
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