owners manual Tesla S
owners manual Tesla S - year of production: 2012 - Tesla S owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Tesla S, year of production 2012:
Manually control the touchscreens•Service Mode: If on, moves wiper
brightness and control its day (lightblades to the service position to make
background) or night (dark background)them easier to access when replacing
setting. When set to Auto, the them. Model S must be in Park. See
touchscreen automatically changes Wiper Blades and Washer Jets on
between Day and Night brightness page 121.
depending on the ambient lighting• Tire Pressure Monitor: Touch Reset
conditions. To disable the touchscreenSensors to reset the TPMS sensors
momentarily for cleaning purposes, touchafter replacing a wheel (see Resetting
Clean Mode. You can also put Model Sthe TPMS Sensors on page 113).
into an energy saving mode so it • Tow Mode: Activate Tow Mode to
consumes less energy when not in usekeep Model S in Neutral (see Leaving
(see Getting Maximum Range on page Model S in Neutral - Tow Mode on
70). Note that the Displays settings canpage 42).
also be accessed from the Controls•Factory Reset: Touch Erase & Reset to
window. erase all personal data (saved
7.HomeLink addresses, music favorites, etc.) and
If the HomeLink feature is available inrestore all customized settings to
your region, use it to control RF-enabledtheir factory defaults.
garage doors, lights, or security systems10. Manual
(see HomeLink® Universal Transceiver onDisplay this owners manual.
page 96).
8.Driver Assistance Warning: Do not read the touchscreen
If your vehicle is equipped with Driverwhile driving. Doing so increases the
Assistance features, you can controllikelihood of a collision.
features that can provide a safer drivingNaming Model S
• Lane Departure Warning: If on, theTo further personalize your Model S, you can
steering wheel vibrates if a frontname it. The name you give your Model S will
wheel passes over a lane marking andappear in the mobile app. To name your
the associated turn signal is off (see Model S, touch the Tesla “T” at the top center
Lane Departure Warning on page 57).of the touchscreen, then touch Name Your
• Overtake Acceleration: If on whenVehicle.
Traffic-Aware Cruise Control isWhen you save, Name Your Vehicle is
operating, Model S accelerates whenreplaced by the name you provided. You can
you engage the turn signal to indicatetouch the name at any time to rename your
a move into the passing lane (see Model S.
Traffic-Aware Cruise Control on page
60). Erasing Personal Data
• Speed Assist: Control how speed
limits are determined and howYou can erase all personal data (saved
warnings are issued when you exceedaddresses, music favorites, imported contacts,
the speed limit (see Speed Assist onHomeLink programming, etc.) and restore all
page 55). customized settings to their factory defaults.
• Forward Collision Warning: ControlThis is useful when transferring ownership of
when warnings display on theModel S. Touch Settings > Service & Reset >
instrument panel if Model S detects aFactory Reset > Erase & Reset. Before erasing,
vehicle, bike, or pedestrian ahead andModel S verifies your credentials by
a collision is considered likely unlessprompting you to enter the user name and
you take immediate corrective actionpassword associated with your MY TESLA
(see Forward Collision Warning onaccount.
page 58).
9.Service & Reset
Turn various service-related features on
and off:
Using the Touchscreen 79

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year of production from: 2012

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