owners manual BMW M5 E60
owners manual BMW M5 E60 - year of production: 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 - BMW M5 E60 M Power owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle BMW M5 E60, year of production 2005 - 2010:
Setting date 5.Change to upper field if necessary. Turn the
1.Select "Date" and press the controller.controller until "Brightn ess" is selected and
press the controller.
At a glan
2.Select "Set date" and press the controller.
The first setting of the date display is 6.If necessary, move the controller to the right ps
selected. to select "Display". g ti
3.Turn the controller to make the adjustment.7.Turn the controller until the desired setting n
is selected. ivi
4.Press the controller to apply the setting. Dr
The next setting is selected.The setting is stored for the remote control cur-
5.Make the remaining adjustments. After the rently in use.
last adjustment, the date is stored.Units of measure
Setting date format You can change the units of measure for con-
1.Select "Date format" and press the control-sumption, distances, temperature and pres-
ler. sure. Navigation
iDrive, for operating principle refer to page16.t
2.Select the desired format and press the n
controller. 1.Press the button. nme
The setting is stored for the remote control cur-This opens the start menu.ai
rently in use. 2.Press the controller to open the menu.r
3.Select "Settings" and press the controller.Ente
Brightness of Control Display4.Select "Language / Units" and press the
The brightness is automatically adapted to the controller.ns
ambient lighting conditions. However, you can 5.Change to upper field if necessary. Turn the io
change the basic setting. controller until "Units" is selected and press icat
iDrive, for operating principle refer to page16.the controller.un
1.Press the button. mm
This opens the start menu. Co
2.Press the controller to open the menu.
3.Select "Settings" and press the controller.
4.Select "Display settings" and press the lity
controller. bi
6.Select the menu itemto be set and press nce
the controller.
77 Refere
Online Edition for Part no. 01 41 2 600 738 - © 08/08 BMW AG
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year of production from: 2005
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BMW M5 E60 M Power owners manual
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BMW M5 E60 M Power owners manual
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