owners manual Nissan Note
owners manual Nissan Note - year of production: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - Nissan Note I 1 E11 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Note, year of production 2006 - 2012:
• Donotdrivewiththebackdooropened.This The NISSAN Anti-Theft System (NATS)* will not
could allow dangerous exhaust gases to be allow the engine to start without the use of the reg-
drawn into the vehicle. istered NATS key.
• Closely supervise children when they are * Immobilizer
aroundthevehicletopreventthemfromplay- If the engine fails to start using the registered NATS
ing and being locked in the luggage compart- key, it may be due to interference from another
ment where they could be seriously injured. NATSkey,anautomatedtollroaddeviceoranauto-
Keep the vehicle locked, with the back door mated payment device on the key ring. Restart the SIC2045Z
closed, when not in use, and prevent chil- engine using the following procedure: Meters and gauges
dren’s access to the vehicle’s keys. 1. Leave the ignition switch in the ON position forNATSsecurity warning light
approximately 5 seconds. The security warning light blinks whenever the igni-
2. Turn the ignition switch to the “OFF” or LOCK tion switch is in the LOCK, “OFF” or Acc position.
position and wait approximately 5 seconds. This function indicates that NATS is equipped on
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2. the vehicle.
4. Restart the engine while holding the device If the NISSAN Anti-Theft System (NATS) is mal-
(which may have caused the interference) sepa- functioning, this light will remain on while the ignition
rated from the registered NATS key or NATS key is in the ON position.
Intelligent Key (where fitted). If the light remains on and/or the engine will not
Ifthis procedure allows the engine to start, start, see your NISSAN dealer for NATS service
NISSAN recommends placing the registered as soon as possible. Please bring all NATS keys
NATSkeyorNATSIntelligent Key (where fitted) or NATS Intelligent Keys when visiting your
onaseparatekey-ring to avoid interference from NISSANdealer for service.
other devices. Additional information for RHD models
If the NATS is malfunctioning, this light will turn on
after flashing six times while the ignition switch is in
the ON position.
However, if the NATS security warning light turns
off after the light has remained on for 15 minutes,
Pre-driving checks and adjustments 3-9
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year of production from: 2006
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