owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600
owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600 - year of production: 2014 - Mercedes Benz Maybach S600 EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes Maybach_S600, year of production 2014:
76 Driving safety systems
ForPRE-SAFE Braketoassistyouwhendriving,GWARNING
mustbeswitchedonandbeoperational. tify people, especially if they are moving. In
Withthehelpoftheradarsensorsystemandthe ®
®Brakecandetect these cases, PRE-SAFE Brake cannot inter-
camera system, PRE-SAFE vene. There is a risk of an accident.
obstacles that are in front of your vehicle for an
extended period of time. Always pay particular attention to the traffic
In addition, pedestrians in the path of your vehi-situation and be ready to brake, especially if
Safetycle can be detected. ®
®Brakedetects pedestrians usingPRE-SAFE Brakewarnsyou.
typical characteristics such as the body con-In order to maintain the appropriate distance to
tours and posture of a person standing upright.the vehicle in front and thus prevent a collision,
iObservetherestrictions described in theyou must apply the brakes yourself.
"Important safety notes" sec- GWARNING
tion“ ( ®
PRE-SAFE Brakedoesnotreact:
Important safety notes Rtosmallpeople, e.g. children
GWARNING Rtoanimals
® Rtooncomingvehicles
PRE-SAFE Brakewillinitiallybrakeyourvehi-
cle by a partial application of the brakes if aRtocrossing traffic
danger of collision is detected. There may beRwhencornering
a collision unless you brake yourself. Even ®
Asaresult, PRE-SAFE Brake may neither
aftersubsequentfullapplicationofthebrakesgive warnings nor intervene in all critical sit-
a collision cannot always be avoided, partic-uations. There is a risk of an accident.
ularly when approaching at too high a speed.Always pay careful attention to the traffic sit-
There is a risk of an accident. uation and be ready to brake.
Always apply the brakes yourself and try toIn the event of snowfall or heavy rain, the rec-
take evasive action, provided it is safe to doognition can be impaired.
so. Recognition by the radar sensor system is also
Intheeventofapartialapplicationofthebrakes,impaired in the event of:
the vehicle is braked with up to 50% of the fullRthereis dirt on the sensors or anything else
braking pressure. covering the sensors
GWARNING Rthereis interference by other radar sources
® Rtherearestrong radar reflections, for exam-
PRE-SAFE Brakecannotalwaysclearlyiden-ple in parking garages
tify objects and complex traffic conditions.Ranarrowvehicle traveling in front, e.g. a
In these cases, PRE-SAFE Brake may: motorbike
Rgiveanunnecessarywarning and then Ravehicle traveling in front on a different line
brake the vehicle relative to the center of your vehicle
Recognition by the camera system is also
Rnotgiveawarningorintervene impaired in the event of:
There is a risk of an accident. Rdirtonthecameraorifthecameraiscovered
Always pay particular attention to the trafficRthereisglareonthecamerasystem,e.g.from
situation and be ready to brake, especially ifthe sun being low in the sky
PRE-SAFE Brakewarnsyou.Terminate the
intervention in a non-critical driving situation.
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year of production from: 2014
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