owners manual Chevrolet Captiva
owners manual Chevrolet Captiva - year of production: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 - Chevrolet Captiva owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Chevrolet Captiva, year of production 2006 - 2015:
Chevrolet Captiva Sport Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-U.S./Mexico-Black plate (34,1)
6014141) - 2014 - crc - 8/13/13
3-34 Seats and Restraints
Q: What are the different types ofare many kinds of restraintsWarning (Continued)
add-on child restraints?available for children with
A: Add-on child restraints, whichspecial needs.Instead, it may settle up around
are purchased by the vehicle the child's abdomen. In a crash,
owner, are available in four basic{Warning the belt would apply force on a
types. Selection of a particularTo reduce the risk of neck andbody area that is unprotected by
restraint should take intohead injury during a crash, infantsany bony structure. This alone
consideration not only the child's could cause serious or fatal
weight, height, and age but alsoneed complete support. In ainjuries. To reduce the risk of
whether or not the restraint willcrash, if an infant is in aserious or fatal injuries during a
be compatible with the motorrear-facing child restraint, thecrash, young children should
vehicle in which it will be used.crash forces can be distributedalways be secured in appropriate
For most basic types of childacross the strongest part of anchild restraints.
restraints, there are manyinfant's body, the back and
different models available. Whenshoulders. Infants should always
purchasing a child restraint, bebe secured in rear-facing child
sure it is designed to be used inrestraints.
a motor vehicle. If it is, the
restraint will have a label saying
that it meets federal motor{Warning
vehicle safety standards.
The restraint manufacturerAyoungchild's hip bones are still
instructions that come with theso small that the vehicle's regular
restraint state the weight andsafety belt may not remain low on
height limitations for a particularthe hip bones, as it should.
child restraint. In addition, there(Continued)

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year of production from: 2006

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