owners manual Mercedes GL
owners manual Mercedes GL - year of production: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - Mercedes Benz GL Class X164 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GL, year of production 2006 - 2012:
Safety and Security
Occupant safety
Always sit as upright as possible, prop-Warning! G iAir bags are designed to deploy only in
erly use the seat belts and use an appro- certain frontal impacts (front air bags), and in
priately sized infant restraint, toddler side impacts (side impact and window curtain air
restraint, or booster seat recommended Accident research shows that the safest bags) which exceed preset thresholds, and in
for the size and weight of the child.place for children in an automobile is in the certain rollovers (window curtain air bags). Only
rear seat. during these events will they provide their sup-
Vehicles with BabySmart air bag plemental protection.
deactivation system, Canada only:It should be noted that with respect to both, The driver and passengers should always wear
Children 12 years old and under must front side impact air bags or the rear side their seat belts. Otherwise it is not possible for
never ride in the front seat, except in a impact air bags*, there is a possibility for a air bags to provide their supplemental protec-
Mercedes-Benz authorized side impact air bag related injury if occu-tion.
BabySmart compatible child seat, pants, especially children, are not properly In case of other types of impacts and impacts be-
which operates with the BabySmartTM seated or restrained when next to a side
system installed in the vehicle to deacti- low air bag deployment thresholds, air bags will
vate the front passenger front air bag impact air bag which needs to deploy rapidly not deploy. The driver and passenger will then be
when it is properly installed. Otherwise in a side impact in order to do its job.protected to the extent possible by a properly
they will be struck by the air bag when it To help avoid the possibility of injury, please fastened seat belt. A properly fastened seat belt
inflates in a crash. If this happens, seri-follow these guidelines:is also needed to provide the best possible pro-
tection in a rollover.
ous or fatal injury will result.(1) Always sit as upright as possible, We caution you not to rely on the presence of the
Failure to follow these instructions can properly use the seat belts, and for all air bags in order to avoid wearing your seat belt.
result in severe injuries to you or other children 12 years old and under, use an It is important to your safety and that of your pas-
occupants. appropriately sized infant restraint, sengers that you replace deployed air bags and
If you sell your vehicle, it is important that toddler restraint, or booster seat recom-repair any malfunctioning air bags to make sure
you make the buyer aware of this safety mended for the size and weight of the the vehicle will continue to provide supplemental
information. Be sure to give the buyer this child. crash protection for occupants.
Operators Manual. (2) Always wear seat belts properly.
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year of production from: 2006
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Mercedes Benz GL Class X164 owners manual
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Mercedes Benz GL Class X164 owners manual
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