owners manual Mazda RX-8
owners manual Mazda RX-8 - year of production: 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - Mazda RX 8 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mazda RX-8, year of production 2003 - 2012:
RX-8_8T69-EA-04G_Edition1 Page78
Wednesday, June 9 2004 2:11 PM
Black plate (78,1)
Security System
NOTE qMaintenance
If you have a problem with the
l If the security indicator light comes immobilizer system or the key, consult an
on and stays on when the ignition Authorized Mazda Dealer.
switch is turned to the ON position,
the engine will not start.
l Signals from a TVor radio station, or
from a transceiver or a mobile l The keys carry a unique electronic
telephone, could interfere with your code. For this reason, and to assure
immobilizer system. If you are using your safety, obtaining replacement
the proper key and your engine fails key requires some waiting time.
to start, check the security indicator Theyareonly available through an
light. If it is flashing, remove the Authorized Mazda Dealer.
ignition key and wait 2 seconds or
more, then reinsert it and try starting l Always keep a spare key, in case one
the engine again. If it doesn't start is lost. If a key is lost, contact an
after 3 or more tries, contact an Authorized Mazda Dealer as soon as
Authorized Mazda Dealer. possible.
l If you lose a key, an Authorized
l If the security indicator light flashes MazdaDealer will reset the
continuously while you are driving, electronic codes of your remaining
don't shut off the engine. Go to an keys and immobilizer system. Bring
Authorized Mazda Dealer and have all the remaining keys to the
it checked. If you shut off the engine Authorized Mazda Dealer to reset.
while the light is flashing you won't Starting the vehicle with a key that
be able to restart it. has not been reset is not possible.
l Since the electronic codes are reset
whenrepairing the immobilizer qModificationandAdd-On
system, the keys are needed. Bring Equipment
all the existing keys to the
Authorized Mazda Dealer. Mazdacannot guarantee the immobilizer
system's operation if the system has been
modified or if any add-on equipment has
been installed to it.
Toavoid damage to your vehicle, do
not modify the system or install any
add-on equipment to it.
Form No.8T69-EA-04G
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