owners manual Chevrolet Cobalt
owners manual Chevrolet Cobalt - year of production: 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 - Chevrolet Cobalt owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Chevrolet Cobalt, year of production 2004 - 2010:
Disarming the System Howthe System Alarm is Activated
You can disarm the system by doing any one of theIf the system is armed, it can be activated by either:
following: • Opening the driver’s door or trunk. This will cause
• Press the remote keyless entry transmittera ten second pre-alarm chirp followed by a
unlock button. thirty second full alarm of horn and lights.
• Turn the ignition on. • Opening any other door. This will immediately
• Turn the driver’s door key lock cylindercause a full alarm of horn and lights for
counterclockwise. thirty seconds.
If the system is armed and the trunk is opened usingWhen an alarm event has finished, the system will
the trunk release button on the transmitter, the systemre-arm itself automatically.
will temporarily disarm itself and re-arm when theHowtoTurn Off the System Alarm
trunk has been closed. This allows the you to exit the
vehicle, lock the doors using the transmitter, andTo turn off the system alarm, do one of the following:
open the trunk using the transmitter without having to• Press the lock button on the remote keyless
disarm and re-arm the system. entry transmitter. The system will then re-arm itself.
Once the system is disarmed, the security light will• Press the unlock button on the remote keyless entry
stop flashing. transmitter. This will also disarm the system.
• Insert the key in the driver’s door key lock cylinder
and turn it counterclockwise. This will also disarm
the system.
• Insert the key in the ignition and turn it on. This will
also disarm the system.
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year of production from: 2004
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