owners manual Nissan 350Z
owners manual Nissan 350Z - year of production: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 - Nissan 350Z Fairlady Z owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan 350Z, year of production 2002 - 2009:
c) Avoid steep uphill grades.Traction control system (TCS)control (VDC) off switch is pushed to OFF. This
d) If possible, reduce the amount of cargooff indicator light (if soindicates the vehicle dynamic control system
being hauled or towed. equipped) and traction control system are not operating.
The malfunction indicator lamp may stopThe light comes on when the traction controlThis light also comes on when the ignition key is
blinking and come on steady.system (TCS) off switch is pushed to OFF. Thisturned to the ON position. The light will turn off
Have the vehicle inspected by a NISSANindicates the traction control system is not op-if the vehicle dynamic control (VDC) system is
dealer. You do not need to have your vehicleerating.operational.
towed to the dealer. This light also comes on when the ignition key isWhen the vehicle dynamic control off indicator
turned to the ON position. The light will turn offlight and slip indicator light come on with the
CAUTION ifthe traction control system (TCS) is opera-vehicle dynamic control system turned on, this
tional. light alerts the driver to the fact that the vehicle
Continued vehicle operation without dynamic control system’s fail-safe mode is op-
When the traction control system off indicatorerating, that is the system may not be functioning
having the emission control systemlight and slip indicator light come on with theproperly.Have the system checked by a
checked and repaired as necessarytraction control system turned on, this light alertsNISSAN dealer. If a malfunction occurs in the
could lead to poor driveability, reducedthe driver to the fact that the traction controlsystem, the vehicle dynamic control system
fuel economy, and possible damage tosystem’s fail-safe mode is operating, that is thefunction will be canceled but the vehicle is still
the emission control system.system may not be functioning properly. Havedriveable. For additional information, see “Ve-
the system checked by a NISSAN dealer. If ahicle dynamic control (VDC) system” in the “5.
Slip indicator lightmalfunction occurs in the system, the tractionStarting and driving” section of this manual.
control function will be canceled but the vehicleSoft top indicator light
The light will blink when the vehicle dynamicis still driveable. For additional information, see(Roadster models)
control (VDC) system or the traction control“Traction control system (TCS)” in the “5. Start-
system (TCS) is operating, thus alerting theing and driving” section of this manual.This light illuminates when the soft top is being
driver to the fact that the road surface is slipperyVehicle dynamic control (VDC)operated or it is stopped before reaching a full
and the vehicle is nearing its traction limits.off indicator light (if soopen/close state. When the top is fully opened,
This light also comes on when the ignition switchequipped)the light will turn off. When the top is fully closed,
is turned to the ON position. The light will turn offthe light will flash.
if the VDC or TCS is operational.The light comes on when the vehicle dynamicThe soft top can be moved with the soft top
Instruments and controls 2-17
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year of production from: 2002
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Nissan 350Z Fairlady Z owners manual
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