owners manual Smart Forfour
owners manual Smart Forfour - year of production: 2004, 2005, 2006 - Smart Forfour I 1 owners manual EN
pdf (14.77 MB) 268 pages
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from owners manual to the vehicle Smart Forfour, year of production 2004 - 2006:
On-board computer*
Navigation Telephone Basic settings
The on-board computer display displays Entries in the "Telephone" menu can be In the "Basic settings" menu, the
the navigation function actively or inac-selected via the submenu buttons.- date and time can be set,
tively. Voice information supports the vis-The telephone is operated via the tele-- clock can be synchronised,
ual displays and also helps you to arrive at phone buttons on the multifunction steer-- German, English, French, Italian, Span-
your destination quickly and without any ing wheel*. ish or Japanese language versions can
problems. be selected.
You can choose between
1. active navigation
-Road name
- Progress bar
- Schematic representations of junc-
tions with direction arrows
2. inactive navigation
- Compass needle pointing in direction
of travel
Audio 3-7
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year of production from: 2004
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manual Smart Forfour I 1 owners manual
pages 74 - 80
manual Smart Forfour I 1 owners manual
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