owners manual Lancia Lybra
owners manual Lancia Lybra - year of production: 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 - Lancia Lybra owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Lancia Lybra, year of production 1999 - 2005:
3) CD: next track/previous track Reception conditionsOnly clean the front panel with a
soft, anti-static cloth. Cleaning or pol-
Press button D or F to play the nextReception conditions vary all the
or previous track on the CD which istime while the car is moving. Recep-ishing agents could damage the sur-
being played as described in “Select-tion may be effected by mountains,
ing or repeating a track”. buildings or bridges, especially whenDirt on the player head from tapes
you are a long way from the broad-can, in time, reduce treble during
USEFUL ADVICE casting transmitter of the station youplayback.
Road safety are listening to. We recommend you clean the head
periodically with a specific head
You should familiarise with the var-IMPORTANTA considerable in-
cleaner tape (non abrasive).
crease in volume could occur when
ious function of the sound system
traffic information is given.Keep CDs away from dust. Do not
(e.g. storing stations) before driving touch the surface to prevent skipping.
Care and maintenance Do not insert damaged or deformed
The basic structure of the sound sys-CDs in the magazine.
tem ensures long-term operation
Do not expose discs to sources of
without the need for any particular
heat or sun rays.
maintenance. Get in touch with a
If you drive with the vol-Lancia Dealership if anything goesClean dirty CDs with a soft cloth
ume too high you put bothwrong. from the centre outwards.
your own life and that of
others in jeopardy. You should ad-Do not leave tapes in direct sunlight
or expose them to excessive heat. Put
just the volume so that you can
the cassettes back into their boxes af-
hear noises from outside the car
ter use.
(e.g. horns, ambulance/police si-
rens, etc.). Use good quality tapes, no longer
than C-90 to ensure optimal play-
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year of production from: 1999
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Lancia Lybra owners manual
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Lancia Lybra owners manual
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