1-50 Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/*SRS airbag (Supplemental Restraint System airbag)
!If the passenger’s frontal airbagposition and wait 6 seconds to allow the
the ON indicator turns off evening the system check, both indicators turnSubaru of America, Inc.
when the front passenger’s seatoff for 2 seconds. Now, the ON indicatorCustomer Dealer Services Department
is occupied by an adultshould illuminate while the OFF indicatorP.O. Box 6000
This can be caused by the adult incor-remains off.Cherry Hill, NJ 08034-6000
rectly sitting in the front passenger’s seat.Ifthe OFF indicator still remains illumi-1-800-SUBARU3 (1-800-782-2783)
1. Turn the ignition switch to the “LOCK”/nated while the ON indicator remains off,
“OFF” position. ask the occupant to move to the rear seat
2. Ask the front passenger to set theand immediately contact your SUBARUSubaru Hawaii
seatback to the upright position, sit updealer for an inspection.2850 Pukoloa Street, Suite 202,
straight in the center of the seat cushion,! Howtocontact the vehicle manu-Honolulu, HI 96819-4467
correctly fasten the seatbelt, position his/facturer concerning modifications808-839-2273
herlegsoutforward,andadjusttheseattofor persons with disabilities that
the rearmost position.
may affect the advanced airbagShen’s Corporation dba Prestige Automo-
3. Turn the ignition switch to the “ON”system
position. bile
Changing or moving any parts of the front491, East Marine Corps Drive, Route 1
If the OFF indicator remains illuminatedseats, rear seat, seatbelts, front bumper,Dededo, Guam 96921-6225
while the ON indicator remains off, takefront side frame, radiator panel, instrument671-633-2698
the following actions.panel, combination meter, steering wheel,
1. Turn the ignition switch to the “LOCK”/steering column, tire, suspension or floor
“OFF” position. panel can affect the operation of theTrebol Motors
2. Make sure that the front passengerSUBARU advanced airbag system. IfP.O. Box 11204, San Juan, Puerto Rico
doesnotuseablanket,seatcushion,seatyou have any questions, you may contact00910
cover, seat heater or massager, etc.the following SUBARU distributors.787-793-2828
3. If wearing excessive layers of clothing,
the front passenger should remove any
unnecessary items before sitting in the
front passenger’s seat, or should sit in a
rear seat.
4. Turn the ignition switch to the “ON”