owners manual Seat Arona
owners manual Seat Arona - year of production: 2017 - Seat Arona owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Seat Arona, year of production 2017:
– Always keep both feet in the footwell in– Never allow anyone to assume an incorrect
● Always keep your feet in the footwell when
front of the rear seat. sitting position in the vehicle while travel-
the vehicle is moving; never rest them on the
ling ››› .
dash panel, out the window or on the seat. An
– Fasten your seat belt securely ››› page 77.
incorrect sitting position exposes you to an
The following list contains examples of sit-
increased risk of injury in case of a sudden– Use an appropriate child restraint system
ting positions that could be dangerous for all
braking or an accident. If the airbag is trig-when you take children in the vehicle
vehicle occupants. The list is not complete,
gered, you could sustain severe injuries due
››› page 88.
to an incorrect sitting position. but we would like to make you aware of this
● To reduce the risk of injury to the front pas-WARNING
senger in events such as sudden braking ma-
● If the pa
ssengers in the rear seats are not
noeuvres or an accident, never travel with the Therefore, whenever the vehicle is in motion:
sitting properly, they could sustain severe in-
backrest tilted far back! The airbag system
juries. ●Never stand in the vehicle.
and seat belts can only provide optimal pro-
● Adjust the head restraint correctly in order●
Never stand on the seats.
tection when the backrest is in an upright po-
to achieve maximum protection.
sition and the front passenger is wearing his ●
Never kneel on the seats.
or her seat belt properly. The further the seat● Seat belts can only provide optimal protec-
●Never tilt your seat backrest far to the rear.
backrests are tilted to the rear, the greatertion when seat backrests are in an upright
the risk of injury due to incorrect positioning ●Never lean against the dash panel.
position and the vehicle occupants are wear-
of the belt web or to the incorrect sitting po-ing their seat belts correctly. If passengers In
●Never lie on the rear bench.
sition! the rear seats are not sitting in an upright po-
●Never sit on the front edge of a seat.
sition, the risk of injury due to incorrect posi-
● Adjust the head restraint correctly in order
tioning of the seat belt increases.●
Never sit sideways.
to achieve maximum protection.
●Never lean out of a window.
●Never put your feet out of a window.
Examples of incorrect sitting posi-
Correct sitting position for rear seat
●Never put your feet on the dash panel.
●Never put your feet on the surface of a seat.
Seat belts can provide optimal protection on-
●Do not allow anyone to travel in the foot-
To reduce the risk of injury in the event of a
ly when the belt webs are properly posi-
ud aking manoeuvre or an accident, well.
s den br
tioned. Incorrect sitting positions substan-
passengers on the rear seat bench must con-
●Never travel without wearing the seat belt.
tially reduce the protective function of seat
sider the following:
●Do not allow anyone to travel in the lug-
belts and increase the risk of injury due to in-
– Sit up straight. gage compartment.
correct seat belt position. As the driver, you
are responsible for all passengers, especially
– Adjust the head restraint to the correct po-
sition ››› page 75.
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year of production from: 2017
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Seat Arona owners manual
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