owners manual Nissan Qashqai
owners manual Nissan Qashqai - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Qashqai II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Qashqai, year of production 2013:
NOTE menu, use theorbuttons to navigate be-• [Navigation] (where fitted)
Diesel models with diesel engines make use oftweenthemenuoptionsandpressENTERtoset• [Phone]
an Oil Condition Supervisor (OCS) function.or reset the distance for replacing tyres.
Petrol engines have a basic service reminder. • [Mail] (where fitted)
WARNING To set an alert:
1. Usetheorbuttons to select [Settings], andThetyrereplacementindicatorisnotasubstitute
press ENTER. for regular tyre checks, including tyre pressure1. Use theorbuttons to select the item re-
2. Select [Maintenance], followed by [Service] us-checks. See “Wheels and tyres” in the “8. Main-quired, and press ENTER.
ing theorand ENTER switches. In thetenanceanddo-it-yourself”section.Manyfactors2. For [Phone], [Navigation] or [Mail] use the
[Service] menu, use theorbuttons to navi-including tyre inflation, alignment, driving habitsENTERbutton to toggle between YES and NO.
gate between the menu options and pressand road conditions affect tyre wear and whenFor the [Timer], to change the timer value, use
ENTERtosetorresetthedistance for changingtyres should be replaced. Setting the tyre re-theorbuttons and the ENTER button to
the engine oil. placementindicatorforacertaindrivingdistancesave the selected length of time.
3. (Diesel models only) Select [Maintenance], fol-does not mean your tyres will last that long. Use[Tyre pressures]
lowed by [Filter] using theorand ENTERthe tyre replacement indicator as a guide only
switches. In the [Filter] menu, use theorand always perform regular tyre checks. FailureThe settings in the Tyre pressures] menu are all
buttons to navigate between the menu optionsto perform regular tyre checks, including tyrerelated to the Tyre pressure monitoring system
andpressENTERtosetorresetthedistanceforpressure checks could result in tyre failure. Seri-TPMS (see “Tyre Pressure Monitoring System
draining the diesel fuel filter.ousvehicledamagecouldoccurandmayleadto(TPMS)” in the “5. Starting and driving” section).
acollision,whichcouldresultinseriouspersonal• [Target front]
Forscheduledmaintenanceitemsandintervals,seeinjury or death.
your NISSAN Service and Maintenance Guide.3. Other indicator:• [Target rear]
2. Tyre replacement indicator:This indicator appears when the customer set time• [Tyre pressure unit]
This indicator appears when the customer set dis-comesfor replacing items other than the engine oil,• [Calibrate]
tance comes for replacing tyres. You can set orfuel filter and tyres. You can set or reset the dis-[Target front]:
reset the distance for replacing tyres.tance for replacing the items.
1. Usetheorbuttons to select [Settings], and[Alert]The[targetfront]tyrepressureisthepressurespeci-
press ENTER. fied for the front tyres on the tyre placard (see “Tyre
You can specify that an alert occurs to notify theplacard” in the “9. Technical information” section
2. Select [Maintenance], followed by [Tyre] usingdriver that a certain event has occurred. You can setand “Tyre Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)” in
theorand ENTER switches. In the [Tyre]alerts for the following items:the “5. Starting and driving” section).
• [Timer]
2-18 Instruments and controls
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year of production from: 2013
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