owners manual Chevrolet Spark
owners manual Chevrolet Spark - year of production: 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 - Chevrolet Spark M300 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Chevrolet Spark, year of production 2009 - 2016:
Chevrolet Spark Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-U.S./Canada-5853490) -Black plate (38,1)
2014 - crc - 9/3/13
3-38 Seats and Restraints
Child restraints and booster seatsLower Anchors andrecommendsthat the booster seat
vary considerably in size, and someTethers for Childrenbe secured with the LATCH system,
mayfit in certain seating positions(LATCHSystem) this can be done as long as the
better than others. Always make booster seat can be positioned
sure the child restraint is properlyThe LATCH system secures a childproperly and there is no interference
secured. restraint during driving or in a crash.with the proper positioning of the
Depending on where you place theLATCHattachmentsonthechildlap-shoulder belt on the child.
child restraint and the size of therestraint are used to attach the childMakesureto follow the instructions
child restraint, you may not be ablerestraint to the anchors in thethat came with the child restraint,
to access adjacent safety beltvehicle. The LATCH system isand also the instructions in this
assemblies or LATCH anchors fordesigned to make installation of amanual.
additional passengers or childchild restraint easier.Wheninstalling a child restraint with
restraints. Adjacent seatingIn order to use the LATCH system ina top tether, you must also use
positions should not be used if theyour vehicle, you need a childeither the lower anchors or the
child restraint prevents access to orrestraint that has LATCHsafety belts to properly secure the
interferes with the routing of theattachments. LATCH-compatiblechild restraint. A child restraint must
safety belt. rear-facing and forward-facing child never be installed using only the top
Wherever a child restraint isseats can be properly installedtether and anchor.
installed, be sure to secure the childusing either the LATCH anchors orThe LATCH anchorage system can
restraint properly. the vehicles’ safety belts. Do notbe used until the combined weight
Keepin mind that an unsecureduse both the safety belts and theof the child plus the child restraint is
child restraint can move around in aLATCHanchoragesystemtosecure 29.5kg(65lbs). Use the safety belt
collision or sudden stop and injurea rear-facing or forward-facingalone instead of the LATCH
people in the vehicle. Be sure tochild seat. anchorage system once the
properly secure any child restraint in Booster seats use the vehicle’scombined weight is more than
the vehicle— even when no child issafety belts to secure the child in29.5kg(65lbs).
in it. the booster seat. If the manufacturer

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year of production from: 2009

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Chevrolet Spark M300 owners manual
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