owners manual KIA Sportage
owners manual KIA Sportage - year of production: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 - Kia Sportage II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle KIA Sportage, year of production 2002 - 2010:
Knowing your vehicle
WARNING (Continued) (Continued)
• If the driver brakes the vehicle• Never allow children/old
• The front seat passenger’s
airbag is much larger than theheavily in an urgent situa-and feeble persons/pregnant 1
tions,occupants will bewomen to sit on the front pas-
steering wheel airbag and
thrown forward. If front pas-senger’s seat.Do not put child
inflates with considerably
sengers are not wearing therestraint systems on the front
more force. It can seriously 2
hurt or kill a passenger who issafety belts, they will bepassenger’s seat either. They
not in the proper position anddirectly in front of the storagemay be seriously injured by
wearing the safety belt proper-compartment when inflationthe airbag inflation when
occurs. In that situation, seri-airbag deploys.
ly.The front passengers
ous injury or death is possi-
should always move their seat • Do not put objects or stickers
ble. 4
as far back as practical and sit on the instrument panel. Do
not apply any accessory on
back in their seat. • Never allow front passenger
the front windshield glass or
to put their hands or feet on 5
• It is essential that the front
do not install aftermarket mir-
passengers always wear theirthe instrument panel or put
rors or accessories on the fac-
their face close to the instru-
safety belts, even when the 6
vehicle is moving in a parkingment panel. The airbag willtory installed rearview mirror.
impact the front passengThese maer y interfere with the
lot or up a driveway into
garage. when it inflates. deployment of airbag inflation7
(Continued) (Continued)or could hit your body at high
speed and cause severe bodi-
ly injury and even death.8
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year of production from: 2002
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Kia Sportage II 2 owners manual
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