owners manual Infiniti Q45
owners manual Infiniti Q45 - year of production: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Infiniti Q45 III 3 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Infiniti Q45, year of production 2001 - 2006:
when a vehicle is moved or when a vibra-3. Close all doors, hood and trunk. Lock
tion occurs. all doors. The doors can be locked with
The system helps deter vehicle theft butthe electronic ignition key, power door
cannot prevent it, nor can it prevent thelock switch or with the key.
theft of interior or exterior vehicle compo- 4. Confirm that the security indicator light
nents in all situations. Always secure yourcomes on. The security indicator light
vehicle even if parking for a brief period.glows for about 30 seconds and then
Never leave your keys in the vehicle, andblinks. The system is now activated. If,
always lock it when unattended. Be awareduring this 30 second time period, the
of your surroundings, and park in secure,door or trunk lid is unlocked with the
well-lit areas whenever possible. electronic ignition key or the key, or the
ignition key is turned to ACC or ON, the
Many devices offering additional protec-systemwillnotactivate.However,when
SIC2132 tion, such as component locks, identifica-the trunk lid is closed after being
tion markers, and tracking systems, areunlocked with the electronic ignition
Your vehicle has two types of security sys-available at auto supply stores and spe-keyorthekey,thesystemreturnstothe
tems,asfollows: cialty shops. Your NISSAN dealer may alsoarmedphase.
O Vehiclesecurity offer such equipment. Check with your in- Even when the driver and/or passengers
surance company to see if you may be eli-are in the vehicle, the system will activate
O INFINITIVehicleImmobilizerSystem gible for discounts for various theft protec-with all doors, hood, and trunk lid locked
tion features. andignitionkeyoff.Whenturningtheigni-
ThesecurityconditionwillbeshownbytheHowtoactivatethevehiclesecurity tion to ACC, the system will be released.
security indicator light.
VEHICLESECURITYSYSTEM system Vehicle security system operation
1. Closeallwindows. The vehicle security system will give the
ThevehiclesecuritysystemprovidesvisualThe system can be activated even if the followingalarm:
and audio alarm signals if someone openswindowsareopen. O the headlights blink and the horn
the doors, hood, or trunk lid when the soundsintermittently.
system is armed. It is not, however, a mo-2. Remove the key from the ignition
tion detection type system that activatesswitch. O The alarm automatically turns off after
Instrumentsandcontrols 2-17

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year of production from: 2001

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Infiniti Q45 III 3 owners manual
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