owners manual Volvo V70 XC70
owners manual Volvo V70 XC70 - year of production: 2007 - Volvo V70 XC70 III owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Volvo V70 XC70, year of production 2007:
03 Your driving environment
Instruments and controls
heat and altitude, or mechanical malfunction.• If both symbols extinguish, continue driv-explanatory text is shown on the information
Engine overheating will be signaled with texting. display at the same time. The symbol remains
and a red warning triangle in the middle of the• If the symbols remain on, check the level invisible until the fault has been rectified but the
instrument display. The exact text will dependthe brake fluid reservoir, see page 220. Iftext message can be cleared with the READ
on the degree of overheating. It may rangethe brake fluid level is normal but the sym-button, see page 122. The warning symbol can
from "HIGH ENGINE TEMP – SLOW bols are still lit, the vehicle can be driven,also come on in conjunction with other sym-
DOWN" to "HIGH ENGINE TEMP – STOPwith great care, to an authorized Volvobols. 03
ENGINE." If appropriate, other messages,workshop to have the brake systemAction:
such as " COOLANT LEVEL LOW " will also bechecked.
displayed. If your engine does overheat so that• If the level in the reservoir is below MIN, the1.Stop in a safe place. Do not drive the vehi-
you must stop the engine, always allow thevehicle should be transported to an author-cle further.
engine to cool before attempting to check oilized Volvo workshop to have the brake2.Read the information on the information
and coolant levels. system checked. display. Implement the action in accord-
Fault in brake system ance with the message in the display. Clear
If this symbol lights, the brake fluid level mayWARNING the message using READ.
be too low. Stop the vehicle in a safe place and• If the fluid level is below the MIN markReminder – doors not closed
check the level in the brake fluid reservoir, seein the reservoir or if a warning messageIf one of the doors, the hood or tailgate is not
page 220. If the level in the reservoir is belowis displayed in the text window: DOclosed properly, the information or warning
MIN, the vehicle should be transported to anNOT DRIVE . Have the vehicle towed tosymbol comes on together with an explanatory
authorized Volvo workshop to have the brakea trained and qualified Volvo servicetext message in the instrument panel. Stop the
system checked. technician and have the brake systemvehicle in a safe place as soon as possible and
inspected. close the door, hood or tailgate.
Canadian models are equipped with this• If the ABS and Brake system lights are
symbol. on at the same time, there is a risk ofIf the vehicle is driven at a speed
reduced vehicle stability. lower than approximately 5 mph
If the and symbols come on at the (7 km/h), the information symbol comes on.
same time, there may be a fault in the brake If the vehicle is driven at a speed
force distribution system. Warning symbol higher than approximately 5 mph
1.Stop the vehicle in a safe place and turn offThe red warning symbol comes on when a fault(7 km/h), the warning symbol comes on.
the engine. has been indicated which could affect the
2.Restart the engine. safety and/or drivability of the vehicle. An

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year of production from: 2007

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Volvo V70 XC70 III owners manual
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