owners manual Lancia Y
owners manual Lancia Y - year of production: 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 - Lancia Y owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Lancia Y, year of production 1996 - 2003:
4C068-089 ING 11-03-2008 11:59 Pagina 70
THE ENGINE AFTER Turn the ignition key to STOP while
IT HAS JUST STARTED Bump starting by push-
the engine is idling.
– Begin to move forward slowly let-ing, towing or rolling
ting the engine turn over at mediumdownhill must be avoided A quick burst on the ac-
revs. Do not accelerate abruptly.at all costs. This way of starting
could cause a rush of fuel into thecelerator before turning off
– Do not push the engine to its limitcatalytic exhaust pipe and damagethe engine serves ab-
it beyond repair. solutely no practical purpose, and
for the first few kilometres. You are wastes fuel.
recommended to wait until the water
temperature has reached 50°C to IMPORTANT After a taxing drive it
60°C (pointer moves slightly from its is better to allow the engine to “catch
initial position). its breath” before turning it off by let-
Remember that as long asting it idle to allow the temperature in
EMERGENCY STARTING the engine is not running,
the engine compartment to fall.
If the Lancia CODE system fails tothe brake booster and
recognise the code transmitted by thepower steering do not work. You
ignition key (warning lamp ¢on in-therefore have to use considerably
strument panel lit with a fixed light),more effort on both the brake
you can start the engine by followingpedal and the steering wheel.
the emergency procedure using the
code written on the CODE card.
See the section “In an emergency”.
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year of production from: 1996
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Lancia Y owners manual
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Lancia Y owners manual
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