owners manual Alfa Romeo Brara
owners manual Alfa Romeo Brara - year of production: 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 - Alfa Romeo Brara Spider owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Alfa Romeo Brara, year of production 2005 - 2010:
AND (for versions/markets, Proceed as follows:
DASHBOARDCONTROLSwhere provided) ❒ turn the knurled ring A-fig. 50
GENERAL to Üand press the accelerator ped-
al to the required speed;
SAFETYDEVICESThe speed regulator (CRUISE CON- ❒ push the stalk upwards ( +) or down-
TROL), with electronic control, makes wards ( –), then release it: car speed
it possible to drive the car at the required fig. 50 A0F0095m is memorised and it is therefore pos-
speed, without pressing the accelerator sible to release the accelerator ped-
CORRECT USEOF THE CARpedal. This reduces driving fatigue dur-DEVICE ENGAGEMENT al.
ing long journeys (specially on high-
ways) because the speed memorised is Turn knurled ring A-fig. 50 to Ü. In the case of need (when overtaking
RNING automatically maintained. for instance) acceleration is possible sim-
A The device cannot be engaged in first
W LIGHTS AND MESSAGESIMPORTANT The device can only be speed or reverse. It is recommended to ply pressing the accelerator pedal: re-
engage it in 4th or higher speeds. Trav- leasing the accelerator pedal, the car will
engaged at speeds between 40 and return to the speed memorised previ-
190 km/h. elling downhill with the device engaged, ously.
IN AN the car speed may increase more than
EMERGENCY the memorised one.
When the device is activated the in-
CAR strument panel warning light Ü turns
MAINTENANCE on (on certain versions together with a
message on the display) (see section
TIONS “Warning lights and messages”).
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year of production from: 2005
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Alfa Romeo Brara Spider owners manual
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Alfa Romeo Brara Spider owners manual
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