owners manual Mercedes C
owners manual Mercedes C - year of production: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Mercedes Benz C Class W203 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes C, year of production 2000 - 2006:
Safety and Security
Driving safety systems
Braking Emergency brake maneuver BAS
At the instant one of the wheels is about to Keep continious full pressure on the The Brake Assist System (BAS) operates in
lock up, a slight pulsation can be felt in the brake pedal.emergency situations. If you apply the
brake pedal, indicating that the ABS is in brakes very quickly, the BAS automatically
the regulating mode. Warning! G provides full brake boost, thereby poten-
Keep firm and steady pressure on the tially reducing the braking distance. Apply
brake pedal while experiencing the The ABS cannot prevent the natural laws of continuous full braking pressure until the
pulsation. physics from acting on the vehicle, nor can emergency braking situation is over. The
Continuous steady brake pedal pressure it increase braking or steering efficiency ABS will prevent the wheels from locking.
yields the advantages provided by the ABS, beyond that afforded by the condition of the When you release the brake pedal, the
namely braking power and ability to steer vehicle brakes and tires or the traction. The brakes function again as normal. The BAS
the vehicle. ABS cannot prevent accidents, including is then deactivated.
those resulting from excessive speed in
The pulsating brake pedal can be an turns, following another vehicle too closely,
indication of hazardous road conditions or hydroplaning. Only a safe, attentive, and
and functions as a reminder to take extra skillful driver can prevent accidents. The
care while driving. capabilities of an ABS equipped vehicle
must never be exploited in a reckless or
dangerous manner which could jeopardize
the user’s safety or the safety of others.
For more information, see “Practical hints”
( page 274).
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year of production from: 2000
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Mercedes Benz C Class W203 owners manual
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