owners manual Mercedes R
owners manual Mercedes R - year of production: 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 - Mercedes Benz R Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes R, year of production 2005 - 2013:
BA 251 USA, CA Edition A 2011; 1; 3, en-US2010-04-16T14:31:55+02:00 - Seite 71
d2sboike Version:
Anti-theft systems 71
The · distance warning lamp in theXTo activate with the SmartKey: remove
instrument cluster will light up. the SmartKey from the ignition lock.
R XTo activate with KEYLESS-GO: switch the
you are approaching the vehicle in front
rapidly. An intermittent warning tone willignition off and open the driver's door.
then sound and the · distance warningX
To deactivate: switch on the ignition.
lamp in the instrument cluster will light up.
iThe immobilizer is always deactivated
You must apply the brakes yourself in order
when you start the engine.
to maintain the appropriate distance to the
In the event that the engine cannot be
vehicle in front and prevent a collision.
started when the starter battery is fully
charged, the immobilizer may be faulty.
If the distance warning lamp · in the
Contact an authorized Mercedes-Benz
instrument cluster comes on while drivingCenter or call 1-800-FOR-MERCedes (in
and/or an intermittent warning sounds,USA) or 1-800-387-0100 (in Canada).
immediate attention on the part of the driver
is required. As required by the traffic
situation, apply the brakes and navigateATA (Anti-Theft Alarm system)
around a possible obstacle. However, do not
A visual and audible alarm is triggered if the
drive by relying on the distance warning
alarm system is armed and you open:
function, as this will result in an emergency
a door
braking application. This will not always
enable you to avoid a collision, especiallyR
the vehicle with the mechanical key
when traveling on varying road surface
the tailgate
conditions and with varying driver reaction.
the hood
Complex driving situations are not always
The alarm is not switched off, even if you
fully recognized by the distance warning
close the open door that has triggered it, for
function. This could result in wrong or missing
distance warnings.
iIf the alarm stays on for more than 30
XTo activate/deactivate: activate or
seconds, the emergency call system
deactivate the distance warning function inmbrace (USA only) or Tele Aid (Canada
the on-board computer (Y page 210).only) initiates a call to the Customer
After activation, the Ä symbol is Assistance Center automatically. The
displayed in the lower multifunctionemergency call system initiates the call
display. provided that:
you have subscribed to the mbrace/Tele
Aid service
Anti-theft systems
the mbrace/Tele Aid service has been
activated properly
the mobile phone, power supply and GPS
The immobilizer prevents your vehicle from
necessary are available
being started without the correct SmartKey.
When leaving the vehicle, always take the
SmartKey with you and lock the vehicle. The
engine can be started by anyone with a valid
SmartKey that is left inside the vehicle.

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year of production from: 2005

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