owners manual Mercedes W140
owners manual Mercedes W140 - year of production: 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 - Mercedes Benz S W140 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes W140, year of production 1991 - 1998:
AutomaticTransmissionDriving Acceleratorposition
The automatic transmission selectsThe selector lever is automaticallyPartial throttle = early upshifting =
individual gears automatically,locked while in position "P". Tonormal acceleration
dependent upon movethe selector lever out of
position "P", the service brake pedalFull throttle = later upshifting =
• Selector lever positionmust be firmly depressed before therapid acceleration
• Accelerator positionshift lock will release.
• Vehicle speed Kickdown (depressing the accelerator
Shift selector lever to the desiredbeyond full throttle) = downshifting
Important! driving position only when theto next lowest gear = maximum
engine is idling and the serviceacceleration. Once the desired speed
Whenparking the car or beforebrake is applied. Do not release theis attained, ease up on the accelerator
working on the vehicle with the enginebrake until ready to drive. The- the transmission shifts up again.
running, firmly depress the parkingvehicle may otherwise start creeping
brake pedal and shift the selector leverwhen the selector lever is in drive or
into "P". reverse position.
It is dangerous to shift the selector
lever out of "P" or "N" if the engine
speed is higher than idle speed. If
yourfootisnot onthe brake pedal,
the car could accelerate quickly
control of the car and hit someone or
something. Only shift into gear when
the engine is idling normally and
brake pedal.
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year of production from: 1991
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mercedes benz s w140 owners manual
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