owners manual KIA Carens
owners manual KIA Carens - year of production: 2013 - KIA Carens III 3 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle KIA Carens, year of production 2013:
Features of your vehicle
Transmitter precautions(Continued) CAUTION
✽✽ NOTICE If the transmitter is in close prox-
imity to your cell phone or smart Changes or modifications not
The transmitter will not work if anyphone, the signal from the trans- expressly approved by the party
of following occur: mittercould be blocked by normalresponsible for compliance
The ignition key is in ignitionoperation of your cell phone or
could void the user’s authority
switch. smart phone. This is especially to operate the equipment. If the
You exceed the operating distanceimportant when the phone is
keyless entry system is inopera-
limit (about 10 m [30 feet]).active such as making call, receiv-tive due to changes or modifica-
The battery in the transmitter ising calls, text messaging, and/or
tions not expressly approved by
weak. sending/ receiving emails. Avoidthe party responsible for com-
Other vehicles or objects may be placing the transmitter and your pliance,it will not be covered by
blocking the signal. cell phone or smart phone in the your manufacturer’s vehicle
The weather is extremely cold.same pants or jacket pocket and warranty.
The transmitter is close to a radiomaintain adequate distance
transmitter such as a radio stationbetween the two devices.
or an airport which can interfere
with normal operation of the
transmitter. CAUTION
When the transmitterdoes not workKeep the transmitter away from
correctly, open and close the door
water or any liquid. If the keyless
with the ignition key. If you have a entry system is inoperative due
problem with the transmitter, we
to exposure to water or liquids, it
recommend that you contact an
will not be covered by your man-
authorised Kia dealer. ufacturer vehicle warranty.
4 10

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year of production from: 2013

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KIA Carens III 3 owners manual
pages 722 - 728
KIA Carens III 3 owners manual
page 725 / 1480
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