owners manual KIA Ceed
owners manual KIA Ceed - year of production: 2012 - KIA Ceed II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle KIA Ceed, year of production 2012:
JD PE eng 3.QXP 9/9/2015 4:16 PM Page 55
Safety features of your vehicle
(Continued) WARNING (Continued)
If this occurs, we recommend that Even though your vehicle is
The driver is responsible for the
the system be inspected by an equipped with the passenger's
authorized Kia dealer. proper position of the passen-
ger’s front air bag ON/OFF switch.front air bag ON/OFF switch, do
If the SRS air bag warning light not install a child restraint sys-
Deactivate the passenger's front tem in the front passenger's seat.
blinks or does not illuminate
air bag only when the ignition
when the ignition switch is turnedswitch is switched off, or the mal-A child restraint system must
to the ON position,or if it illumi- never be placed in the front seat.
function may occur in the SRS
nates while the vehicle is being Children who are too large for
Control Module. child restraint systems should
driven, we recommend that the
And there may be a danger that
always occupy the rear seat and
system be inspected by an
the driver's and/or front passen-
authorized Kia dealer. use the available lap/shoulder
ger’s and/or side and curtain air
bag may fail to trigger, or not trig-belts. Children are afforded the
ger correctly during a collision.most safety in the event of an
accident when they are
Never install a rearward facing
restrained by a proper restraint
child seat on the front passen-
ger's seat unless the passenger'ssystem in the rear seat.
As soon as the child seat is no
front air bag has been deactivat-
longer needed on the front pas-
ed. The infant or child could be
severely injured or killed by an airsenger's seat, reactivate the front
passenger's air bag.
bag deployment in case of an
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year of production from: 2012
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manual KIA Ceed II 2 owners manual
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