owners manual Nissan Pathfinder
owners manual Nissan Pathfinder - year of production: 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 - Nissan Pathfinder II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Pathfinder, year of production 1996 - 2003:
3. Close and lock all doors, hood, back doorThe alarm is activated by:
and glass hatch. All doors can be locked Unlocking the door, back door or back door
either with the keyfob, a key, the door lockglass hatch without using the key or keyfob.
knoborthe lock-unlock switch. See “Doors”(Even if the door is opened by releasing the
in the “3. Pre-driving checks and adjust-door inside lock knob, the alarm is activated.)
ments” section for locking all doors simulta-
neously. Opening the hood. (Even if the hood is
4. Confirm that the SECURITY indicator lightopenedbythehoodreleasehandle,thealarm
comes on. The SECURITY light glows foris activated.)
about 30 seconds and then begins to flash. Opening the back door glass hatch.
Thesystemisnowactivated.If,duringthis30 Connecting the battery connector after it has
second time period, the door is unlocked bybeen disconnected from the battery for more
the key or keyfob, or the ignition key is turnedthan 1 second.
SIC1442 to ACC or ON, the system will not activate.
Even when the driver and/or passengersHowto stop alarm
Security indicator light are in the vehicle, the system will activateThe alarm will stop only by unlocking a door, the
This light blinks whenever the ignition switch is inwith all doors, hood, back door and backback door or the back door glass hatch with the
the LOCK, OFF or ACC position. This functiondoor glass hatch locked and ignition keykey or keyfob. The alarm will not stop if the
indicates the security systems equipped on theoff. Turn the ignition key to ACC to turn theignition switch is turned to ACC or ON.
vehicle are operational. system off. The alarm may be activated when the glass
Howto activate the vehicle securityVehicle security system operationhatchisopenedquicklywithakeyafterthealarm
system The vehicle security system will give the follow-has been set.
ing alarm: If the system does not operate as de-
1. Close all windows. The headlights blink and the horn soundsscribed above, have it checked by your
The system can be activated even if theintermittently. NISSAN dealer.
windows are open. The alarm automatically turns off after 1
2. Remove the key from the ignition switch.minute, however, the alarm will reactivate if
the vehicle is tampered with again.
Instruments and controls 2-17

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year of production from: 1996

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