owners manual Chevrolet Spark
owners manual Chevrolet Spark - year of production: 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 - Chevrolet Spark M300 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Chevrolet Spark, year of production 2009 - 2016:
Chevrolet Spark Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-U.S./Canada-5853490) -Black plate (33,1)
2014 - crc - 9/3/13
Seats and Restraints 3-33
Infants and Young Every time infants and young
Children children ride in vehicles, they should
have the protection provided by
Everyone in a vehicle needsappropriate child restraints. Neither
protection! This includes infants and the vehicle's safety belt system nor
all other children. Neither theits airbag system is designed
distance traveled nor the age andfor them.
size of the traveler changes theChildren who are not restrained
need, for everyone, to use safetyproperly can strike other people,
restraints. In fact, the law in everyor can be thrown out of the vehicle.
state in the United States and in
every Canadian province says {Warning
children up to some age must be
restrained while in a vehicle.Never hold an infant or a child {Warning
{Warning while riding in a vehicle. Due toChildren who are up against,
crash forces, an infant or a childor very close to, any airbag when
Children can be seriously injuredwill become so heavy it is notit inflates can be seriously injured
or strangled if a shoulder belt ispossible to hold it during a crash.or killed. Never put a rear-facing
wrapped around their neck andFor example, in a crash at onlychild restraint in the right front
the safety belt continues to40km/h(25mph), a 5.5kg(12lb)seat. Secure a rear-facing child
tighten. Never leave childreninfant will suddenly become arestraint in a rear seat. It is also
unattended in a vehicle and never110kg(240lb) force on a person'sbetter to secure a forward-facing
allow children to play with thearms. An infant should bechild restraint in a rear seat. If you
safety belts. secured in an appropriate must secure a forward-facing
restraint. child restraint in the right front

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year of production from: 2009

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Chevrolet Spark M300 owners manual
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