owners manual Peugeot 306
owners manual Peugeot 306 - year of production: 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 - Peugeot 306 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Peugeot 306, year of production 1993 - 2001:
BODYWORK MAINTENANCE Waxing: the regular use of wax
added to the washing water or
To preserve the paintwork and the - Clean off, as soon as
applied separately is strongly recom-possible, bird droppings,
plastic trim on your vehicle, we rec-
mended, it protects the upper coats ofresinous deposits, tar
ommend that you wash them regu-
larly, paintwork against external attack. stains and grease
- by hand, there are no specific pre- marks ; (as these all contain
cautions to take; For all questions relating to the main-substances which can cause
serious damage to the paint-
tenance of your vehicle, contact an
- however repeated use of poorly work).
maintained automatic car-washesapproved dealer who can advise you- Brake briefly several times to
on quality products selected by our
can lead to the appearance of
micro-scopic scratches which givedepartments. expel any dampness from the
the paintwork a matt appearance brake pads, when you are set-
(especially visible on dark colours); ting off after washing your vehi-
- using a high pressure washer,
always following the recommen- - Do not use a dry or abrasive
dations on the equipment (pres- cloth, or detergent or solvent
sure and spraying distance). products to clean the double
lens, complex surface head-
If there are areas of damage on the lamps as they are fitted with
vehicle (painted bumpers, or head- polycarbonate glass covered in
lamps), it is not recommended to a protective finish.
direct the high pressure jet onto - Do not use petrol, oil or cloth
them: wash the areas of damage stain removers to clean the
by hand. bodywork and plastic parts of
Also avoid the entry of water into your vehicle.
the locks. - To prevent the development of
bodywork corrosion as a result
of accidental damage (stone
chips, scratches etc.) have them
repaired swiftly.

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year of production from: 1993

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Peugeot 306 owners manual
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