CONTROLS Technology for driving comfort and safety
Vibrations or loud no ises while driving can low tire pressure telltale when one or more of
indicate complete failure of the tire. your tires are significantly underinflated.
Reduce your speed and bring the vehicle to a Accordingly, when the low tire pressure telltale
stop; otherwise, pieces of tire may come off, illuminates, you should stop and check your tires
which could result in an accident. Do not con-as soon as possible, and inflate them to the
tinue driving and contact your MINI dealer.
Wheel without TPM electronics is mounted:the level at which the TPMS low tire pressure tell-
If need be, have it checked by your MINI tale illuminates.
dealer. The TPMS malfunction indicator is combined
> Malfunction: with the low tire pressure telltale. When the sys-
Have the system checked. tem detects a malfunction, the telltale will flash
> TPM was unable to complete the resetting for approximately one minute and then remain
procedure; reset the system again. continuously lit. This sequence will continue
The small warning lamp flashes in yel-upon subsequent vehicle startups as long as the
low and then lights up continuously; the malfunction exists. When the malfunction indi-
larger warning lamp lights up in yellow. cator is illuminated, the system may not be able
No punctures can be detected. to detect or signal low tire pressure as intended.
TPMS malfunctions may occur for a variety of
Display in the following situation: reasons, including the installation of replace-
> Malfunction because of other equipment or ment or alternate tires or wheels on the vehicle
devices, same radio frequency: that prevent the TPMS from functioning prop-
After leaving the interference area, the sys-erly. Always check the TP MS malfunction telltale
tem is again active automatically. after replacing one or more tires or wheels on
your vehicle to ensure that the replacement or
Declaration according to NHTSA/ alternate tires and wheels allow the TPMS to
FMVSS 138 Tire Pressure Monitoring continue to function properly.
Each tire, including the spare, should be
checked monthly when cold and inflated to the
inflation pressure recommended by the vehicle
manufacturer on the vehicle placard or tire infla-
tion pressure label. If your vehicle has tires of a
different size than the size indicated on the vehi-
cle placard or tire inflation pressure label, you
should determine the proper tire inflation pres-
sure for those tires. As an added safety feature,
your vehicle has been equipped with a tire pres-
sure monitoring system TPMS that illuminates a
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