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owners manual Subaru Forester

owners manual Subaru Forester - year of production: 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 - Subaru Forester I 1 owners manual EN

Document: pdf (4.63 MB) 322 pages
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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Subaru Forester, year of production 1997 - 2002:
 If at any time you suspect that exhaust fumes are entering the vehicle, have the problem checked and corrected as soon as pos- sible. If you must drive under these conditions, drive only with all windows fully open.  Keep the rear gate closed while driving to prevent exhaust gas from entering the vehicle. DRINKING AND DRIVING WARNING Drinking and then driving is very dangerous. Alcohol in the bloodstream delays your reaction and impairs your perception, judgment and attentiveness. If you drive after drinking – even if you drink just a little – it will increase the risk of being involved in a serious or fatal accident, injuring or killing yourself, your pas- sengers and others. In addition, if you are injured in the accident, alcohol may increase the severity of that injury. Please don’t drink and drive. Drunken driving is one of the most frequent causes of accidents. Since alcohol affects all people differently, you may have consumed too much alcohol to drive safely even if the level of alcohol in your blood is below the legal limit. The safest thing you can do is never drink and drive. How- ever if you have no choice but to drive, stop drinking and sober up com- pletely before getting behind the wheel. DRUGS AND DRIVING WARNING There are some drugs (over the counter and prescription) that can delay your reaction time and impair your perception, judg- ment and attentiveness. If you drive after taking them, it may in- crease your, your passengers’ and other persons’ risk of being involved in a serious or fatal accident. – CONTINUED – vii
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year of production from: 1997

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