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owners manual Land Rover Range Rover

owners manual Land Rover Range Rover - year of production: 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 - Land Rover Range Rover II 2 P38A owners manual EN

Document: pdf (1.74 MB) 201 pages
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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Land Rover Range Rover, year of production 1994 - 2002:
Introduction VEHICLEIDENTIFICATIONNUMBER(VIN)ANTI-THEFTPRECAUTIONS If you need to communicate with a LandWhile it may be difficult to deter the Roverdealer, you may be asked to quote the’professional’ car thief, the majority of thefts Vehicle Identification Number (VIN).are carried out by unskilled opportunists. The VIN (and recommendedmaximumvehicleTherefore, take vehicle security very seriously weights) is stamped on a label fixed to the topand ALWAYSadoptthissimple’four point’ panel above the left hand headlight (vieweddrill whenever you leave your vehicle - even from the driver’s seat). This should alsofor just a few minutes: matchthe VIN recorded in the Service1. Fully close all the windows (and the Portfolio book. sunroof). In addition, as a deterrent to car thieves and to2. Removeyourvaluablebelongings(or hide assist the police, the VIN is also stamped on athemoutofsight). plate which is visible through the left side of3. Removethestarterkey. the windscreen. 4. Superlockthe vehicle using the remote handset. Thieves are attracted by ’vulnerable’ vehicles. Even if you have followed the ’four point’ drill, there is still much you can do to make your vehicle a less inviting target. BESAFE-NOTSORRY! •Park where your vehicle can be easily seen by householders and passers-by. A. Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)•At night, park in well lit areas and avoid B. Grossvehicleweight (where required)deserted or dimly-lit side streets. C. Grosstrain weight (where required)•At home, if you have a garage, use it - and D. Maximumfrontaxleload(whererequired)NEVERleavethekeysinthevehicle. E. Maximumrearaxleload(whererequired)•Donotkeepimportantdocuments(or spare keys) in the vehicle - these are a real bonus for the thief. 5
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year of production from: 1994

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Land Rover Range Rover II 2 P38A owners manual
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Land Rover Range Rover II 2 P38A owners manual
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