owners manual Land Rover Defender
owners manual Land Rover Defender - year of production: 1983 - Land Rover Defender III gen owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Land Rover Defender, year of production 1983:
Audio unit operation
Balance adjustment Alternative frequencies
1.Short press the volume control repeatedly As the audio unit receives information about
until BAL is displayed.the frequencies being used by nearby
2.Rotate the volume control to adjust sound transmitters, it can c hoose the strongest signal
level to the right (R) or left (L) of the for the selected station. With the Alternative
vehicle. Frequencies (AF) feature enabled, you will not
need to retune the radio as you drive between
Fader adjustment different transmitter areas.
1.Short press the volume control repeatedly 1.Long press the volume control and then
until FAD is displayed.short press it repeatedly until AF is
2.Rotate the volume control to adjust the displayed.
sound level to the front (F) or rear (R) of 2.Rotate the volume control to turn the AF
the vehicle. setting on or off.
Settings menu 2 contains more advanced Note: The AF switch status will be displayed
settings that you will not normally change, as briefly and the AF indicator is displayed if AF is
described below. active.
Traffic announcement (TA) volume Regional mode
adjustment As you drive into different radio reception
You can adjust the volume level of traffic areas, the Radio Data System (RDS)
announcements. automatically retunes the audio unit to the
1.Long press the volume control and then strongest signal. Regional mode is an RDS
short press it repeatedly until TAVOL is feature that stops the audio unit from tuning to
displayed. another local radio station with a stronger
2.Rotate the volume control to set the TA signal. With this feature enabled, your selected
volume level between 0 and 32. The default local radio station will remain tuned.
setting is 10. 1.Long press the volume control and then
Note: This setting also app lies to the volume of short press it repeatedly until REG is
PTY news announcements. displayed.
2.Rotate the volume control to turn the REG
setting on or off.
Loudness setting
You can turn the loudness setting on or off.
1.Long press the volume control and then
short press it repeatedly until LOUD is
2.Rotate the volume control to turn the
setting on or off.

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year of production from: 1983

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