owners manual BMW M3 E92
owners manual BMW M3 E92 - year of production: 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - M Power M3 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle BMW M3 E92, year of production 2007 - 2012:
The individual vehicle For your own safety c
When you ordered your BMW, you chose vari- g
Maintenance and repair
ous items of equipment. This Owner's Manual a
describes the entire array of options and equip-Advanced technology, e.g. the use of At
ment available with a specific BMW model.modern materials and powerful electron-
Please bear in mind that the manual may con-ics, requires specially adapted maintenance
tain information on accessories and equipment and repair methods. You should therefore have ls
that you have not specified for your own vehicle. the corresponding work on your vehicle per-o
formed only by your BMW center or at a work-r
Sections describing options and special equip- t
shop that works according to BMW repair pro-n
ment are marked by asterisks* to assist you in cedures with correspondingly trained Co
identifying possible differences between the personnel. If this work is not carried out prop-
descriptions in this manual and your own vehi-erly, there is a danger of subsequent damage
cle's equipment. and related safety hazards.< ps
If equipment in your BMW is not described in g ti
this Owner's Manual, please refer to the accom-Parts and accessoriesin
panying Supplementary Owner's Manuals. iv
For your own safety, use genuine parts r
and accessories approved by BMW.D
Editorial notice When you purchase accessories tested and
approved by BMW and Original BMW Parts, you on
BMW pursues a policy of continuous, ongoing simultaneously acquire the assurance that they i
development that is conceived to ensure that have been thoroughly tested by BMW to ensure ga
our vehicles continue to embody the highest optimum performance when installed on your v
quality and safety standards combined with vehicle. Na
advanced, state-of-the-art technology. For this BMW warrants these parts to be free from t
reason, it is possible in exceptional cases that n
defects in material and workmanship.e
features described in this Owner's Manual m
BMW will not accept any liability for damage n
could differ from those on your vehicle. i
resulting from installation of parts and accesso-t
ries not approved by BMW. e
BMW cannot test every product made by other En
manufacturers to verify if it can be used on a s
BMW safely and without risk to either the vehi-o
cle, its operation, or its occupants.a
Original BMW Parts, BMW Accessories and uni
other products approved by BMW, together m
with professional advice on using these items, o
are available from all BMW centers.C
Installation and operation of non-BMW
approved accessories such as alarms, radios,
amplifiers, radar detectors, wheels, suspension lity
components, brake dust shields, telephones, bi
including operation of any mobile phone from o
within the vehicle without using an externally M
mounted antenna, or transceiver equipment, for
instance, CBs, walkie-talkies, ham radio or sim-e
ilar accessories, may cause extensive damage c
courtesy of M3POST.com n
5 Re

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year of production from: 2007

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