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from owners manual to the vehicle Fiat Tipo, year of production 2015:
59) If the driver depresses the brake pedal67) Insufficient tyre inflation increases fuel25) Do not wash with high-pressure jets in
fully or carries out a fast steering duringconsumption, reduces the tread durationthe bumper lower area: in particular do not
system operation, the automatic brakingand may affect the capacity to drive safely.operate on the system's electrical
function may stop (e.g. to allow a possible connector.
manoeuvre to avoid the obstacle). 26) Be careful in the case of repairs and
60) The system intervenes on vehiclesIMPORTANT newpaintings in the area around the
travelling in the same lane. People, animals sensor (panel covering the sensor on the
and things (e.g. pushchairs) are not taken left side of the bumper). In the event of a
into consideration. 18) The system may have limited or absentfrontal impact the sensor may automatically
61) If the car must be placed on a rolleroperation due to weather conditions suchdeactivate and display a warning to indicate
bench for maintenance interventions or if itas: heavy rain, hail, thick fog, heavy snow.that the sensor needs to be repaired. Even
is washed in an automatic roller washing19) The section of the bumper before thewithout a malfunction warning, deactivate
tunnel with an obstacle in the front partsensor must not be covered withthe system operation if you think that the
(e.g. another car, a wall or anotheradhesives, auxiliary headlights or any otherposition of the radar sensor has changed
obstacle), the system may detect itsobject. (e.g. due to low-speed frontal impact as
presence and activate. In this case the20) System intervention might beduring parking manoeuvres). In these
system must be deactivated through theunexpected or delayed when other vehiclescases, go to a Fiat Dealership to have the
settings of the Uconnect 5" or 7" HDtransport loads projecting from the side,radar sensor realigned or replaced.
system. above or from the rear, with respect to the
62) If the iTMPS system signals a pressurenormal size of the vehicle.
decrease on the tyres, it is recommended21) Operation can be adversely affected by
to check the pressure on all four tyres.any structural change made to the vehicle,
63) The iTPMS does not relieve the driversuch as a modification to the front
from the obligation to check the tyregeometry, tyre change, or a heavier load
pressure every month; it is not even to bethan the standard load of the vehicle.
considered a replacing system for22) Incorrect repairs made on the front part
maintenance or a safety system.of the vehicle (e.g. bumper, chassis) may
64) Tyre pressure must be checked withalter the position of the radar sensor, and
tyres cold. Should it become necessary foradversely affect its operation. Go to a Fiat
whatever reason to check pressure withDealership for any operation of this type.
warmtyres, do not reduce pressure even23) Do not tamper nor operate on the radar
though it is higher than the prescribedsensor. In the event of a sensor failure,
value, but repeat the check when tyres arecontact a Fiat Dealership.
cold 24) When towing a trailer (with modules
65) The iTPMS cannot indicate sudden tyreinstalled after purchasing the vehicle), a
pressure drops (e.g. if a tyre bursts). In thisvehicle or during loading manoeuvres on a
case, stop the vehicle, braking with cautionvehicle transporter (or in vehicle for
and avoiding abrupt steering.transport), the system must be deactivated
66) The system only warns that the tyrevia the Uconnect 5" or 7" HD system.
pressure is low: it is not able to inflate
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